Breaking out of my comfort zone

Emotional Intelligence

This week we had to do a few things in order to get things rolling with our group project, and one of those things was talking to people in person and getting some responses. I went out and got ten responses with the question of “Have you ever been a victim of property theft? If so, did you report it?”

I personally don’t enjoy asking strangers questions for research because I don’t like others to ask me questions when I’m simply trying to walk on the sidewalk. But this goes back to emotional intelligence; not everybody thinks the way that I do and this interaction is essential for my social skills. After I got that thought through my head, I was completely okay with it. This improved my confidence in the Emotional Intelligence aspect of Self-Awareness.

Our group was having a bit of a hard time with getting some actual results and group members were blurting out ideas left and right. Chad mentioned an idea that I was most definitely not in agreement with, but I made sure not to simply shut him down with one of my ideas. I made sure to ask him why he thought that was a good idea, and then I tried to incorporate my idea so that both of us would be happy with the outcome.

Development Plan/Leadership

When we were assigning presentation speakers in class on Thursday, I was very impressed with how our teammate Kelli immediately volunteered because she knew that public speaking was not exactly her strong suit. I commended her on her bravery and ensured her that she would do a great job. This relates to my development plan of Encouraging the Heart by making sure that Kelli’s act of volunteering was celebrated.

Our group is definitely becoming more comfortable with everybody. We are developing the trust and confidence in each other that is necessary for an effective group and for enabling others to act.

We’re all starting to share an end vision of this project as we do more work and research toward it. In the beginning it seemed like it would be an immense amount of work but once we all applied ourselves, we saw that things were almost falling into place on their own.

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