Technology Essay

Correctly identify the primary thesis of  ”Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins”

On page 21, Jones states her thesis by saying that “old cultural patterns do not die. They may fade or become more evident; that is, they may be deemphasized or emphasized” (p. 21). In other words, Jones’ thesis is that although things like technology and mediums of art may change over time, the original purpose and cultural context in which it was created will be forever present. She also states that “only as part of the general ‘nonexpert’ culture can such patterns contribute significantly to maintenance and/or change” (p. 21). This means that although mediums or technologies begin with a very small group of expert users, they eventually become mainstream and subject to changes made by non-expert users. Despite this, the origins of the technology will still be identifiable to a knowledgeable examiner.

Identify one of the three historical examples Jones provides as an illustration of her thesis.

“Does it take me into the things I fear most and wish to avoid, or does it make it easy for me to hide, to run away from them? Does it enable me to shut out my environment, ignore politics, remain unaware of my dream life, my sexuality, and my relations with other people, or does it shove these into my face and teach me how to live with them and through them?” (p. 26). I believe that the anecdote about John O’Niell’s experience with computer graphics is still relevant, where he questions whether video games/computer graphics allow one to escape the real world or if they help one to deal with the real world. I think that this is still an extremely important question that we have yet to answer. I think that it is reasonable to believe that some experiences with gaming cause one to withdraw from the world, which might be traced back to the origins of computer graphics where only a select group of experts had the ability to understand the mechanics.

Provide a compelling and accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in today’s culture.

I think that Microsoft Office is an excellent example of Jones’ thesis, especially Microsoft Excel. A complicated number-crunching spreadsheet program at its core, over time Excel has been changed dramatically to make it more accessible to non-experts, as well as to implement artistic elements. While one is able to execute almost any command manually through the use of formulas, Excel has been modified to simplify functions and aesthetic alterations to a point that the average user can take advantage of it.  Although it has become more accessible to the general public, there remains an element of difficult programming code that only an advanced user can utilize. This reflects on the origins of the program, created by professional programmers and mathematicians.

Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.

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