Student Publication Library
- Machalicek, W., Strickland-Cohen, K., Drew, C. & Cohen Lissman, D. (2022). Sustaining personal activism: Behavior analysts as antiracist accomplices. Behavior Analysis in Practice. 15(4), 1066-1073.
- Kato, M. M., Kittelman, A., Brigid Flannery, K., & Cohen Lissman, D. (2023). Adapting and monitoring daily CICO implementation in high schools. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth. 67(1), 48-57.
- Kittleman, A., Cohen-Lissman, D., Strickland Cohen, M. K., Kato, M. M., Brigid Flannery, K., Horner, R. H., Izzard, S., St. Joseph, S., & Mowery, A. (2023). CICO-secondary: A single-case experimental study in high school. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.
- Frey, A. J., Small, J. W., Seeley, J. R., Walker, H. M., Feil, E. G., Lee, J., Cohen Lissman, D., Crosby, S., & Forness, S. R. (2022). First Step Next and homeBase: A comparative efficacy study of children with disruptive behavior. Exceptional Children. 88(2). 205-222.
- Cohen Lissman, D., Adkins-Cartee, M. R., Rosiek, J., & Springer, S. (2023). Moral injury and moral traps in teaching: Learning from the pandemic. Journal of Moral Education. 1-27.
- Barton, E. E., & Cohen Lissman, D. (2015). Group parent training combined with follow-up coaching for parents of children with developmental delays. Infants and Young Children. 28(3), 220-236.
- Shire, S. Y., Worthman, L. B., & Arbuckle, S. (2021). A technology-enabled adaptataion of face-to-face caregiver-mediated JASPER Intervention: Preliminary examination of video conferenced caregiver coaching. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 126(5), 421-434.
- Glenn, E., Taiwo, A., Arbuckle, S., Riehl, H., & McIntyre, L. L. (2023). Self-directed web-based parent-mediated interventions for autistic children: A systematic review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 10(3), 505-522.
- DeRosia, N., Donely, K., Cohen Lissman, D., Rosiek, J., Cartee, M., & Arbuckle, S. (2021). Collaborating to accommodate: Teacher insights about providing SPED and EL services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Academy for Educational Studies. 44(2).
Coogle, C. G., Ottley, J. R., Storie, S, Rahn, N. L., & Burt, A. (2018). Performance-based feedback to enhance pre-service teachers’ practice and preschool children’s expressive communication. Journal of Teacher Education.
Ottley, J. R., Rahn, N. L., Coogle, C. G., Ferron, J. M, & Storie, S. (2018). Associations among professional development, teachers’ use of naturalistic language strategies, and preschoolers’ functional communication. Early Education and Development. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2018.1492296
Coogle, C. G., Ottley, J. R., Rahn, N. L., & Storie, S. (2017). Bug-In-Ear eCoaching: Impacts on novice early childhood special education teachers. Journal of Early Intervention, 1-17. doi: 10.1177/1053815117748692
- Kittelman, A., Eliason, B. M., Dickey, C. R., & McIntosh, K. (2018). How are schools using the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)? Retrieved from OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
- Nese, R. N. T., Nese, J. F. T., McIntosh, K., Mercer, S. H., & Kittelman, A. (2018). Predicting latency of reaching adequate implementation of Tier I schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. doi: 10.1177/1098300718783755
- McIntosh, K., Mercer, S. H., Nese, R. N. T., Strickland-Cohen, M. K., Kittelman, A., Hoselton, R., & Horner, R. H. (2018). Factors Predicting Sustained Implementation of a Universal Behavior Support Framework. Educational Researcher. doi: 10.3102/0013189X18776975
- Kittelman, A., Bromley, K. W., Mercer, S. H., McIntosh, K. (2018). Validation of a Measure of Sustainability of School-Wide Behavior Interventions and Supports. Journal of Remedial and Special Education, 1-7. doi: 10.1177/0741932517753821
- Conley, K., Kittelman, A., Massar, M., & McIntosh, K. (2018). What are patterns and predictors of CICO participation in U.S. schools? Retrieved from OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
- Scalise, K., Irvin, P. S., Alresheed, F., Zvoch, K., Yim, H., Park, S., Landis, B., Meng, P. M., Kleinfelder, B., Halladay, L., & Partsafas, A. (in press). Accommodations in digital interactive STEM assessment tasks: Current accommodations and promising practices for enhancing accessibility for students with disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology.
- Green, A., Maynard, D., & Stegenga, S. (2018). Common misconceptions of suspension: Ideas and alternatives for school leaders. Psychology in the Schools. doi: 10.1002/pits.22111
- Kinavey Wennerstrom, E., Stegenga, S., Lund, E. (2018). Coping with secondary traumatic stress: Self-care strategies for early childhood professionals. Young Exceptional Children Monograph No. 17: Maltreatment and Toxic Stress.
- Gothberg, J. G., Stegenga, S., & Cate, D. (2017). Rethinking the paradigm: Comprehensive transition from birth to adulthood. In A. L. Ellis (Ed.), Transitioning Children with Disabilities: From Early Childhood through Adulthood. Sense Publishers.
- Erturk, B., Machalicek, W., & Drew, C. (2017). Behavioral interventions of self-injurious behaviors among children with disabilities: A systematic review (2009-2016). Behavior Modification, 1-45.
- Kittelman, A., Gion, C., Horner, R. H., Levin, J. R., & Kratochwill, T. R. (2018). Establishing journalistic standards for the publication of negative results. Remedial and Special Education, 1-6.
- Coogle, C. G., Rahn, N. L., Ottley, J. R., & Storie, S. (2016). ECoaching across routines to enhance teacher’s use of modeling. Teacher Education and Special Education, 39(4) 227-245. doi: 10.1177/0888406415621959
- Coogle, C. G., Ottley, J. R., Rahn, N. L., Storie, S., & Burt, A. (2017). ECoaching to enhance educator practice and child outcomes. Infants and Young Children, 30(1), 58-75. doi: 10.1097/IYC.0000000000000082
- Rahn, N., Coogle, C.G., & Storie, S. (2016). Preschool Children’s Use of Thematic Vocabulary During Dialogic Reading and Activity-Based Intervention, Journal of Special Education, 50, 1-11.
- Storie, S., Coogle, C.G., Rahn, N., Ottley, J.R. (2016). Distance Coaching for Pre-service Teachers: Impacts on Children’s Functional Communication in Inclusive Preschool Classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-9.
- Kittelman, A., Bromley, K. W, & Mazzoti, V. L. (2016). Functional behavioral assessments and behavior support plans for work-based learning. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 39, 121–127.