Special Education Doctoral Student Profile

Alexandra Newson

Alex is a 1st year doctoral student in Special Education and a recipient of Project CO-LEAD, which is an OSEP funded leadership grant focusing on autism, evidence-based practices, MTSS and collaboration across universities. Her current research interests include teacher preparation utilizing equitable, trauma-informed, culturally competent practices, the implementation of trauma-informed and neuro-affirming practices within MTSS, and facilitating collaboration between educators, service providers, and families to improve outcomes for students with autism.

Before beginning her doctoral studies, Alex received a Master of Science at the University of Oregon in Special Education with K-12 licensure under Project STEP—an OSEP funded personnel preparation grant focusing on low-incidence disabilities. She has her preliminary license in SPED K-12 for the state of Oregon and continues to find strength and joy in the students/families that she served.

Alex is hoping to work with Dr. Rhonda Nese on her federally funded ISLA project as well as other PBIS center research projects in the future. Currently, she is attending various research groups to better understand the opportunities available the University of Oregon.