Buket Erturk & Sarah Hansen: Extension of a parent mediated joint attention intervention with generalization to home setting

IMG_3876Sarah Hansen1. Researchers’ names: Doctoral students Buket Erturk (bukete@uoregon.edu), Sarah G. Hansen (sgh@uoregon.edu ), Faculty advisor Wendy Machalicek (wmachali@uoregon.edu )

2. Study Title: Extension of a parent mediated joint attention intervention with generalization to home setting.

3. Phase of study: We have begun collecting baseline data as of May 2016.

4. Population or age group: Children with ASD ages 2-6 with limited joint attention skills.

5. Summary: This study is a concurrent multiple baseline single case design across 4 parent-child dyads to evaluate the effectiveness of parent mediated joint attention intervention and the generalization of joint attention skills of young children to home setting. Parents will be trained to implement prompting hierarchies to work on this social-communication skill in the clinical setting. Generalization probes will be conducted during baseline and after training in the home setting.

6. Opportunity for Participation: No current opportunities at this time

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