Guilherme Pontes (Spatial Modeling)

Spatial Modeling Assignments

Guilherme Pontes (Spatial Modeling)

Assignment 5

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lab 5 image

i. What is the difference between a variable and a parameter?

They essentially the same. For function, variables are inputs and outputs while other values in the definition of the function that might possibly change are called parameters.

ii. Which parameter is the nearest-neighbor distance most sensitive to? Why do you think this is the case?

Neighborhood-density-preference is the nearest-neighbor distance most sensitive. It gives to us if the homes are far or close to the neighbors in the neighborhood.

iii. Which parameter is the nearest-neighbor distance least sensitive to? Why do you think this is the case?

Aesthetic-quality-preference is the nearest-neighbor distance least sensitive.

iv. In our parameter sweep we used the mean nearest-neighbor-distance as an output descriptive statistic. Describe why nearest-neighbor-distance may be important to homeowners. List at least one other measurement that we could have used and explain how it differs from mean nearest-neighbor-distance.

(I was too busy this week, sorry Nich)

v. Provide a 100 word summary of what the model describes with regards to how residential decision making leads to specific patterns of urban growth.

(I was too busy this week, sorry Nich)

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