My model was recorded using ticks < 499 and normal speed. I used 20 in energy-from-grass and 50 in birth-energy.
• How does the “energy-from-grass” parameter influence the emergent patterns observed in the model simulation?
– The energy-from-grass is the energy that the turtles gain and then can reproduce and multiply. If we set 0 in this slider, won’t exist energy to reproduce and the number of turtles, in my case 100, will remain the same.
• How does the “birth-energy” parameter influence the emergent patterns observed in the model simulation?
– Depending on the choices in both energy-from-grass birth-energy and turtles can die without reproducing or can grow your population and over. Both are to help in the reproduction of turtles. If there is no energy in the grass, there will be no reproduction for turtles. If there is no birth energy the number of turtles will continue intact and there will be variations in the grass energy depending on the chosen number.
• Is the emergent pattern sensitive to the initial population size?
– Yes. It is sensitive and it is based on this number (100).
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