Unit 9: Remix


The ability to change existing art is something that is highly controversial. I wanted to address this issue with my work this week. I included both of this weeks posts as examples of the main point of the week. The first included section is the remixed mural of what art means to me. I included this because it illustrates the second point of this part of the portfolio. In the second section of the remix portfolio I added in the post about how important rights are to art.

While it is important to have the ability to mix sections of art together to form something new, there is still an important fact that art is the property of the creator. It should be up to that creator to give permission to the world to use their property. This was the main point of connecting these two piece together. By showing an example of a remixed art piece and then talking about the concept of owners’ rights I tried to connect the main ideas of the topic. There should be the ability to share ideas and property in some form, but there also needs to be rules about how this can happen. In the future I want to continue to learn about the roles that law play in the rights of artists works and how these can be protected while still allowing for collective improvement.

Link: Art Remix

Link: Remix Ideas


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