Week 4-Is Food Art?

In this week’s article, the author Tefler discussed the relationship between art and food. She argued about if food can be seen as a way of art. In my point of view, I believe some food is art. Comparing fast food and slow food in general, slow food is more likely art. In the video “Slow Food Presentation”, all the sense, sound and the describe of the food bring me into a world with awesome food. From the quality of the ingredients, how to deal with them, how to cook and how to organize them in the plate, every step is quite similar with making an art work. On the other hand, in the video “Fast Food Presentation”, it mentioned that “Fast food is industrial community assembled by machines shipped from varies factories. “ Comparing with slow food, fast food is more like a product from factory. Everything in it is already set, which is the reason why their taste will not change even between different countries. “What you eat defines you.” This is one of my favorite sentences in the video. How people decide and treat what and how they eat everyday is one way that shows their attitude toward life, like artists’ works show how they think. Today’s reading “Is Food Art” also reminds me that when I was a little girl, I always stayed with my parents when they were cooking. Both of my parents love cooking. They always told me that cooking is a process of creating an art.

What Is Art For? Essay Assignment

The word “paleoanthropsychobiological” is made by Dissanayake, the author of “what is art for?”, and shows Dissanayake’s thought about the life’s sake. This word suggests that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effect, encompassing all human history and including all human societies.

What is Art?

In this week article, the author, Dissanayake, discussed about the history of the western idea of art, what she called “Palaeoanthropsychobiological”. “Palaeoanthropsychobiological” suggests art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effect, encompassing all human history and including all human societies (Dissanayake 1). She indicated that “art is inherent universal trait of human species (1)”. She briefly introduced the history of how western idea of art changing through time. Through this timeline, she showed us how the idea of art changing in different times.

In the video, Denis Dutton, the speaker introduced the relationship between art, or say, the beauty related with theories from Charles Darwin: Natural selection and Sexual Selection. in his example of peacock, the beautiful tail of male peacock is chosen by the nature to attract more peahen to increase the possibility of his reproduction. In addition, not only in natural world, but also human’s production, are included in this natural selection system. For example like the hand axes and cave painting he mentioned in lecture. In his lecture, he also showed us several examples about how he believed beauty is universal. Like the music of Beethoven and the literature of Shakespeare. The beauty of their art, are adored overseas.” There are many difference among arts, but there are also universal, cross-culture, a static pleasure and values.

Many people believes that how to define beauty is quite different among different cultures, while in general, there are difference, but the similarity, the universality of beauty are still the majority.  the I am quite agree with the idea that how natural evolution can gradually influence humans’ beauty-appreciation.

Life Values Assessment











Personal Accomplishment

Personal Development










The top five values that are most important to me are family, enjoyment, health, whisdom, and friendship. Today I had a relax day. In the morning I got up and cook breakfast. Since I was a little girl, my parents always told me about how breakfast was important and can affect our health. While I was cooking, I always like to bring my phone with me to play some music and check Instagram and facebook about my friends and families. As I have been study aboard for more than two years, I realize that the importance of my families and friends, even though we lives more than 8000 km apart. After having breakfast, I did some reading about my education study course. After that, I opened my computer and start to read something online. I love articles that related with personal values, discover personal identity and things like that. That also is the reason why I choose psychology as my minor in university. In the afternoon, I chatted with my parents through phone and talked the ideas about their Wedding anniversary on October 18.

The values that I inherent from my parents are family, health, friendship, wisdom and Integrity. These values are always with me through my childhood period and all of them are still very important for me. The goal that I am working hard now is to get in the major and graduate with a nice grade.

How human’s values be defined

In the article, the author, Lewis, talks about how values be defined and how they have been changed in different culture and society. Values, which in some ways can be synonymous with beliefs and personal evaluations, are always defined upon those positive, beautiful parts (Lewis 3). It is hard to give our beliefs or personal evaluations a certain way to be described; thus values, like a general tag of our beliefs, has been created. About half year ago, I took a course that asked us to do a PowerPoint to introduce our top three values that influence me most. At first, it is quite complicated to come up with a certain word to describe the cryptic ideas of how I feel to be affected by some “values”. In my mind, there are only some general ideas of how I feel and do in daily time. To define them, I went to Google and search about what are humans’ values are, and try to find my feelings and beliefs which are fitted into these categories. After what, the How comes out: how our values being changing overtime? When I trying to figure out which value category fit me, I am considering my culture, my identity, my personality and some thins in general, like science. As a consequence, can we say that our culture, our society build our values? or even like if our values, are what the society taught us, our culture built us?











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