
In the TED video presented by Lawrence Lessig, the Net’s most celebrated lawyer, about Laws that choke creativity. During his speech, he pointed several interesting aspects that how people’s creativity changes from different levels, as he pointed out the level of Read-write to Read-only. He first pointed out one example from John Sousa about “talking machines”, which was described as an “infernal machines” (Philip). And he also discussed about the issue about copyright, which is really an important problem in this world.


The topic of this week is really interesting for me. When i was young, I was always thinking about how I can be a superman and save the world in the future, and after I grow up, I realized that how difficult that one people can save the world. While now in this week’s video, the speaker talked about how playing games can save the world, it really amazed me. In the video, she mentioned about playing can help people solving problems in real life. I am also a gamer. I always spend about 10 hours per week on playing games. and as far as I concerned, playing games truly helped me in some ways, like improving reaction capability, social ability and even the mental arithmetic. and for me, game is also a really good tool to relesase bad emotion and keep a healthy attitude in real life.

Creative Spirituality

  • How do you define “spirituality”?

In my point of view, spirituality is something that we born with. Many people cannot realize it but when they are making something or doing something, their spirituality will influence their behaviors, The spirituality is kind of connect to our consciousness or unconsciousness.

  • Does spirituality differ from religion?

In my opinion, I believe spirituality does differ from different religions. They are quite different. While spirituality is something people born with, it is unique and always undescribable. And religion is kind of man-made. The history, the whole system is already fixed.

  • How do you define “creativity”?

Creativity is something that everyone has, but is effected by people’s education experience and daily life experience. Most children are creative doing and thinking; however many adults are lacking of it because their mid already be structured by what they have learn about the world.

  • What is the source of creativity?

Because I believe that the creativity is everyone born with, the source of it is from early age education. If the creativity is aroused when they are children, it is quite easy for them to be creative after they grow up.

Enjoying Horror Research

When we talking about horror movies, many people love it, but some don’t, and even cannot understand them. As for me, I am a big fan of horror movies and feel excited when watching them. Well, why people love horror movies?

In psychology, the human evolution, the environment that our ancestors live determine the fear that lurking in our subconscious. “Millions of years of evolutionary psychology have ingrained in our minds certain fear triggers – a survival instinct – Fear of the Dark where predatory animals might be laying in wait – Fear of animals with large sharp teeth who would make a quick meal of us – fear of Poisonous Spiders who can kill with one bite” (“The psychology of scary movies”, n.d.). When human look at something scaring like monsters, ghosts, or even places that seem dangerous and horrible, part of our brain will be activated. In the article “The psychology of scary movies”, the author pointed out several factors that influence why human love horror. They are tension, relevance, and unrealism. It is kind interesting that unrealism is included in these factors. We all know that the monsters, freaks on screen are not real, while we are still fearing of them, and sometimes cannot help to think of them when we are alone at night.  Carroll claims, “the disclosure of the existence of the horrific being and of its properties is the central source of pleasure in the genre” (282). This is a process that we find out that these horrible things are not real. Furthermore, many horror movies are related with real events in history and why people love them may be a reflection of societal fears. In the source that I found pointed out several examples like “mutant monsters rising in 50s from our fear of the nuclear bogeyman, Zombies in the 60s with Vietnam, Nightmare on Elm Street as mistrust in authority figures stemming from the Watergate scandals and Zombies again in the 2000s as a reflection of viral pandemic fears”. (n. d.) Although this theory is still incomplete, it still can explain some reasons anyway. There’s another theory about the preference of horror is they are choose to be unhappy. The authors explain that “when individuals who typically choose to avoid the stimuli were embedded in a protective frame of mind, such that there was sufficient psychological disengagement or detachment, they experienced positive feelings while still experiencing fearfulness.” This theory is quit fit for me. When I watching horror movies, I feel really being scared but cannot help to watch them. I really enjoy the feeling being scared and the relax after the movie is end and breathe the fresh air out of the cinema.



Carroll, N. (2002). Why Horror?. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 17). New York, NY: Routledge.

The Psychology of Scary Movies. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2014, from http://filmmakeriq.com/lessons/the-psychology-of-scary-movies/

University of Chicago Press Journals. (2007, July 31). Why Do People Love Horror Movies? They Enjoy Being Scared. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/07/070725152040.htm


unit 6: Horror Discussion

Mise-en-scene:(22:43) group of men (I have no idea what are they) with suits and henchman are coming out from a door and then they are hanging out on the street. Their makeup, costumes and performance are all in black seems to produce a weird feeling. Their behaviors are slow and look like a abnormal gentleman in the 19 century. It really build a group of freaks collecting people’s hearts.

Digetic Sound (12:46) the man is reading and soliloquizing, then there’s a knock at the door. He open the door and a women comes in, talk and kiss him. In this clip, I think the sound of talking, and the door knocking, also the glasses dropping on the desk are all included in the digetic sound.

Non-Diegetic Sound:21:13 mood music showing the strange mood after the accident happened. Everyone on the street is sad, or aggressive. The music here has a low volume but high pitch to make the atmosphere feels horrible. While when the girl comes to the man and hug, the mood music fluently changes to soft.