This week’s essay is talking about how the computer graphics, which is a controversial topic for people in the modern world. According to the Jones, B, J (1990), who is the authore of “computer graphics:Effects of Oringins”, he mentioned that:” Computer graphics, as defined by Eranke and Beyer, has been in existence a relatively short time. ” (Page 51)Even though the author think that it is a “short time”, but it still change the world internally. He also describes the history of how computer graphics change the people’s life. He states that”In the 1940s, analogue computers were used to generate the earliest computer graphics and display them on oscilloscopes.” (Page 51), The time is the beginning of people using the computer graphic technology. After that, Jones, B, J believes that the computer graphic do change people’s life in its own way, at the end of the article, he said that:”Now daily life is affected by computing. Even licklider may have been surprised at the ubiquity of computer graphics. Practical and professional communities of advertising, entertainment, publishing, telecomminunication, business, finance, education and medicine have joined the academic, scientific and artistic communities in using this medium.”(Page 57 ) It is why he thinks that computer graphic, which is a new technology, is increasing people’s life everyday especially for artistic field because nowadays people are familiar with using computer to “beautify” the imagines by some computer program.
In our daily life, computer graphic is surely a significant invention for people. According to King’s Edogiawerie, (2013)who is a blog writer in word press , he states that “it is disccovered that graphic design has always be in existence from the prehistoric world to this modern world, and it will continue to be around us.” For instance, the advertising in the TV, which are already become “graphic” by the computers. This kind of expression is already accepted by the people who are watching the TV and enjoy the advertising, which might lead them buy more product just because they attracted by the “beautiful computer graphic technology.” Thus, it can be a positive influence for our lives in the most of the time, people can use computer to control what they want to show for people and it is easy for them to edit and delete something they don’t -really like. If they don’t have this kind of technology, it might be wasting their time to re-do it later.
Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.
King’s Edogiawerie, (2013) The influence of graphic design in our world retrieved from: