
Assignment#2 1st post

From this week’s reading, I had a better understanding of value. According to the reading “Value should be synonymous with personal evaluations and related beliefs about the ‘good’, the ‘just’, and the ‘beautiful,’ personal evaluations and beliefs that propel us to action, to a particular kind of behavior and life.” This broad definition of value makes me think about the meaning of value deeply. From my point of view, the meanings of value are various because different people have distinct understandings of value based on their own backgrounds. Therefore, there is not a specific meaning of value. Every single person could write down his or her own definition of value.

In this paragraph, I will explain my point of view using a practical and common issue, whether someone should go to a university for a couple of years. Based on the different understandings of the university, someone may think it is a waste of time to have lessons in university. They are rather to enrich their experience from working than just learn things from the textbooks. However, someone would like to spend a couple of years in school in order to strengthen himself or herself as much as possible by learning different kinds of knowledge. As we all know, there is not a absolute answer to this issue. Everyone has the rights to decide how to maximum the value he/she could get from the money and time he/she spends. As long as he/she thoughts his/her contributions pay off, he/she could say that he/she catches the value of the money and time.

In a word, from this week’s reading, I learned that it is hard to find a specific definition of value. Based on various backgrounds and distinct ways to “know” things, people can define value variously as long as the value they get from their contributions satisfy their requirements at the beginning.