I was impressed by this week’s readings and videos. The three remix examples in the video Laws That Choke Creativity allows me to have a better understanding about the concept of remix. In addition the concept about RO culture and RW culture also make me think about our current society. However, from the video Laws The Choke Creativity, I recognized that there may always a conflict between the common sense and the ways people use new technologies to remix the old and new. I wonder how people could control the use of the technology on the old content in the history. In a long period, would the remix method damage the culture of a country?
I found your question about whether or not the remix method would damage the culture of a country to be very interesting. I believe that the remix culture currently enhances and will continue to enhance the culture of a country. I believe this because I think that blending the old and new methods of technology allow the culture to appreciate the creations of the past while also making new things. Without an appreciation of the past technologies and creations, I think that we would not be at the point we are currently at with technology and art.