Week 3 assignment Post #1

In this reading, the topic about art for life’s sake impressed me. At the beginning, based on my own understanding of art, I think art is a kind of imaginary concept. No one can find a formula for art or define art as the way to define a math concept. When the author related art with life’s sake, the author makes art practical. “While there is no abstract concept of ‘art’, everyone may be an artist-decorating their bodies and possessions, dancing, singing, versifying, performing-even when some persons are acknowledged as being more talented or skillful than others” (Dissanayake). From this sentence in the reading, I refreshed my understanding of art. In addition, artist is not a mysterious occupation as more in the society. Someone are famous artist may be just because more people have the same opinion with the artist and the artist just have a proper way to express his opinions. Even though some other artists do not accept by so many people, they have their own definition for art. Their sake to pursue art is just to express their own thoughts.

Since art did not have a clear concept, I started to think about the diversity of art and people’s attitude to different kinds of art. The diversity of art may be one of the reasons that cause the religion conflict all over the world. If people in one religion cannot accept the differences from other religions in the understanding of art, art would not be a sublime concept any more.

While writing about the unclear definitions about art and thinking about what art really is, I suddenly find the charm of art. No one can define it, no one can touch it, and no one can saw it. It is not real, but it exists in our every-day life. 

2 thoughts on “Week 3 assignment Post #1

  1. Hey Xue Lian,
    Thank you for you shared your various opinion of art to us. I find that you thinking is deeply also impressed me. You told that art is diversity and everyone have different concept of art and the reason of why religion is different in the world is the diversity of art. I have same view with you about the art is different for everyone.
    But can I discuss the definition of art with you? You said that the art is imaginary concept for you and there is no clear definition of art in the world. Before I readied Dissanayake’s view of art for life’s sake, the concept of art also confused me. But now I thought the art has the constant concept in the different times and it has the clear definition but it is various and widely. According to Dissanayake’s view of “palaeoanthropsychobiological”, she told that the art is the necessary behavior for human being. I can’t agree more about the view of art is necessary in our life. Art is abstract mean. Also we can say some objects are art. Anyway, the idea of art is changed by the times also it becomes important for human life. As same as the concept of life and value, it is meaningful for us to think about what is art for.
    Thank you

  2. The way you describe art as having it’s own specific charm, because of how different it is to individuals, really hits the nail on the head in my opinion. It’s easy to say that people interpret art in various ways, but you go a step further to say that this is it’s charm and by realizing this it makes art even more special and distinctive; this charm may even encourage others to look at art in a different light and appreciate it’s diversity regardless of their personal connection with the values or views being illustrated. I also like that you address how certain artists may gain popularity because “more people have the same opinion with the artist and the artist just [has] a proper way to express his opinions”. I completely agree with this statement, and personally I feel like finding the proper way to convey an artist’s views via his or her works is more important and should carry more weight when looking at art. If an artist can find a way to effectively express his or her opinions, then onlookers should be able to appreciate the work even if they do not necessarily agree with what is being conveyed.
    Thanks for sharing your insights and opinions so freely! I really appreciate it.

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