1st person
I am sitting in Lillis on Wednesday morning at approximately 10:00 AM. It’s rush hour for business students who are quickly rushing in every direction to for most of them their class. As the corridors weed out everyone who is in classrooms, the atrium is left with those who are studying, meeting with a group, or starting their day with breakfast. My eye caught a young lady that was sitting by herself at a table drinking what seemed to be a cup of coffee. She was rather quite cute with blonde hair, was quite slim, and was in workout clothes. I figured she was a little bit younger than I am at around 20 years old. Her face and her overall appearance are assumptions that I am taking into account when guessing her age. I began to analyze her wardrobe to see if I could get any hints on her beliefs, values, or daily habits. Since she was in workout clothes, I believe she is really into to fitness, staying healthy and keeping fit. However, I might be wrong because many people enjoy wearing workout apparel because it’s comfortable and everyone enjoys being as comfortable as possible when on campus and going to class. Analyzing her wardrobe at first gives me insight into myself that what people wear really stands out to me, and that clothes personally give off more than just something to wear. I believe that clothes resemble a tangible way to express your own habits (like the gym), your emotions, and your physical style.
2nd person
The second person I picked out was a young man. He was either 19 or 20 years old with blonde hair, and seemingly from Southern California. I believe he is from Southern California due to his apparel (he was wearing a RVCA shirt, tight jeans, and blue classic vans), he had long blonde hair, and was holding a longboard. I do not necessarily enjoy stereotyping people like this but this shows me that I assume things about peoples’ wardrobes and how it fits with where I assume they are from. This person was waiting in line to get a coffee in the coffee shop of Lillis when all of a sudden a friend of his comes up to him and says hello. It was interesting analyzing their facial expressions and body reactions to one another in a conversation. It made me realize that the things such as facial expression and the way I position my body in conversations are very necessary. The blonde guy seemed happy that his friend came up to talk to him, and when his friend left he seemed to continue smiling and seem joyful.
3rd person
For the 3rd person, I decided to go down to the first floor to an open table for a new angle of ‘people watching’. I ended up choosing an older man that I assume was not old enough to be a professor but too old to be an undergraduate student. I assume that he was either in graduate school or he was a GTF for the business school. This man had a full beard, a lanyard around his neck with keys, and was wearing a button up jean shirt and rain boots on. I thought it was interesting that he was wearing rain boots when it was quite sunny outside. Maybe the fact that he was wearing rain boots gives insight to his personality of being more over prepared than underprepared for the weather to come. With his full brown beard, it made me feel like it was winter. He dressed like what I would imagine a mountain man would dress like with wearing big and heavy rain boots and a baggy button up jean shirt. I believe that he does not care as much about the way he looks as others due just from me analyzing what he was wearing.
I like your detailed reflections of the people you watched! I seem to see the young girl in person. Moreover, your analysis of her habit of sports is very objective. I know many people who wear workout clothes not because they are going to gym but because those clothes are comfortable for school. At first, I am wondering why you think the second young man is from Southern California. Your explanation does make some sense, but I still have no idea where he comes from, LOL. I like your illustration about the facial expression of the boy when he saw his friend. Your description of the third guy is quite expressed. I have the similar opinion that the man does not care much about his appearance because of his heavy beard and rain boot. However, as far as I am concerned, it is hard to assume which school he is in based on his age. Or maybe he is younger than he looks.
HI! There!
I really like your description! It is vary detailed, and I really like your analysis too! I found really interesting that the third person you observed who were wearing rain boot in the summer day. I do agree that he probably was more prepared than others, but I am guessing whether he was just too late to find new shoes or he probably lost his shoes lol. But whatever, I really like your observation. Nice Post!
Hi, Shengyuan. I feel very interesting that you guess the second person is come from South California and just base on his dress. In my experiences, guessing where the person comes from according to his dress is very difficult. You said he wearing a RVCA shirt, tight jeans, and blue classic vans. I think this kind of dress is very common in the U.S. so I do not how you can guess he comes from South California. For the third person, I guess he wore the rain boots may be for working or farming because there is a interesting farming course in the summer. Of course, this is just my personal guess.