

  • Learn about the history of computer graphics
  • Examine the role of technology as force for cultural maintenance and change
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines

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1.  As far as I am concerned, spirituality is the resource of art. Only when an artist has spirituality, can he create a piece of art touches the deepest part of people’s mind. Even though inspiration is import in the process of creating art as well, comparing to spirituality, inspiration is like spark. Inspiration can help people create a piece of art by accident. Normal people can have the inspiration to create a piece of art but only artists have the spirituality to create art. Besides talent, spirituality includes rich knowledge, experience and so on. Therefore, I think spirituality is the basement of artists but spirituality needs much time and energy to prepare. Only when the artists have rich knowledge and experience, can artists create art.

2. As spirituality has close relation with knowledge and experience, I believe spirituality will be different in different religion. Let’s take painting as example. Since long time ago, the western countries have different painting style from the western countries. The European paint oil painting while the Chinese enjoy wash painting. The European like painting people and objects, while Chinese like painting mountains-and-waters painting. We can conclude that spirituality differ from religion and people in different places tens to create different genres of art.

3. I refer creativity to people’s ability to create something new. Not only artists but also inventors need to take advantage of their creativity to create art. Only when they have creativity can they create art. But there are many factors which can influence the inventors and artists’ creativity such as education, daily life, experience and so on. The environment of the artists and inventors can also affect their creativity. Artists and inventors tend to create something which is closely related to their daily experience and the environment around them.

4. As artists tend to create something closely related to their daily life, artists tend to use their daily experience and the things which have touched them as the source of their creativity. For example, the western artists tend to paint the object which apparent to them every day such as egg, woman, fruits and so on. Just like the inventors tend to create some inventions which should be used in their daily life like washing machine and dish-washing machine, artists have the tendency to create something close to their daily life. Artists also create something abstract, but I think the source of it is still their daily experience.


            1963, Ivan Sutherland (Ivan Sutherland) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology published a doctoral thesis entitled “drawing board”, which marked the official birth of computer graphics. It has been 50 years of history. Prior to the computer processing system is mainly symbolic, since with computer graphics, computer performance can be partly human right brain function, so the establishment of computer graphics has important significance.

            The relationship between art and technology: Art belongs culture expression systems, traditionally close relationship with technology, both the property belonging to the scientific creation. Technological development have a profound impact on the art, the existence of a new human-oriented situation: change the object of human thoughts and feelings, the relationship between people and objects of science and technology affect the changes of contemporary artistic expression such as art space-time structure changes, the contemporary art of traditional abandon the principles of art, art materials and theme updates, and explore new source of creativity and new forms. Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins, which is written by Beverly J. Jones, refers to the theory that when developing technology, we need take advantage some artistic concept. By using the concept of art, the image of science and technology tend to look more real than the image without using artistic concept (Jones, 1990). For example, the widely use of three-dimensional films and pictures make the world look more real in the audiences’ eye so that the audiences can enjoy the image better than before. Technology using artistic concept enrich the world and make the audiences have a new way to enjoy entertainment. I believe the wide use of artistic concept will also help the development of technology and bring people convenience in the future.

            Mechanical arts, with the development of machinery and equipment, improve public aesthetic level, changes in the production environment and corporate image brought sales, machinery and equipment is no longer purely production-oriented, with the mechanical design of gradual visual impact and aesthetic direction. The main aim is to highlight the strength of enterprises, changing production environment fun and mechanical equipment operation.


I have lots of Apple stuffs, I love to compare the quality of Beats and Bose. I love being involved with new technology. It makes my life better, easier and more importantly, it gives my life more fun than before. Meanwhile, Technology is a very good example of today’s most advanced human imagination and creation. I love to be inspired by those technology.


Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

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