Location: Gerlinger Lounge; 3:00-5:00 pm
3:00 pm Call to Order
1.1 Introductory Remarks, Senate President Bill Harbaugh
3:05 pm Approval of Minutes
2.1 Oct 19, 2016
3:10 State of the University
3.1 A brief update from President Schill
3:30 pm Reports
Update on UO Board of Trustees: Susan Gary, Kurt Willcox, and Will Paustian
3:45 pm New Business
4.1 Vote: US16/17-06: Approve Revised Committee on Committees Membership; Chris Sinclair (Math), Senate Vice President
4.2 Vote: US16/17-04: Revise Charge and Name of IAC committee; Andy Karduna (Human Physiology), immediate past chair of IAC
4.3 Vote: US16/17-03: New Program Proposal: Spatial Data Science and Technology (Geography); Allison Schmitke (Education), Chair of Undergraduate Council and Chris Bone (Geography)
4.4 Discussion: US16/17-07: Student Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Complaint and Response policy proposal; Merle Weiner (Law), Chair of Senate Responsible Reporting Work Group
4.5 Discussion: US16/17-05: Graduate Hybrid and Online Courses policy; (Graduate Council)
4:50 pm Open Discussion
5.1 Gen Ed Reform introduction
4:57 pm Notice(s) of Motion
4:58 pm Other Business
4:59 pm Adjournment