Tag Archives: Research Development Services

2017 Faculty Research Award applications due Nov. 28

Sent on behalf of Lynn Stearney, Director, Research Development Services, Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation

Please distribute this announcement to your faculty.

The Vice President for Research & Innovation invites faculty from all academic disciplines to apply for 2017 Faculty Research Awards.

The purpose of the Faculty Research Awards program is to stimulate research by providing faculty with support for research expenses including travel, summer stipend, equipment, supplies, contractual services, shared facility use, and graduate or undergraduate student research assistance.

Faculty Research Awards are eligible for funding up to $5,500. 

    The deadline for receipt of 2017 Faculty Research Award proposals is 5:00 PM, November 28, 2016.

Awardees will be notified in late February or early March, 2017.  Projects should begin by July 1, 2017, and be completed by June 30, 2018.  Final reports are due by July 31, 2018. 

Guidelines and the application form are available online on the Research Development Services website.   

The Faculty Research Awards Committee, composed of faculty designated by the University Senate, will evaluate proposals on the basis of their intellectual or artistic merit and make recommendations to the Vice President for Research & Innovation. 

An information session on the Faculty Research Awards will be held on Monday, October 31 2016, from 12:00 – 1:00 in the Mt. Hood Room of Peace Health North, 677 East 12th Avenue.   This session will provide an opportunity for prospective applicants to ask questions about eligibility, proposal requirements, award conditions or any other aspects of the Faculty Research Award program. 

Questions should be directed to Research Development Services, rds@uoregon.edu.