Tag Archives: Officer of Administration

US16/17-06: Confirm Revised Committee on Committees Membership

Date of Notice: 10/01/2016

Current Status: Approved 11/02/2016

Motion type: Legislation

Sponsor: Chris Sinclair (Math), Chair of CoC


Section I

1.1   WHEREAS, the Senate recently updated their bylaws  to revise the membership of the Committee on Committees to include Classified Staff members and Officers of Administration;

Section II

2.1  BE IT THEREFORE MOVED, the Senate hereby confirms the appointment of the following new members to the Committee on Committees:

Chuck Theobald, Lewis Center for Neuroimaging
Ben Brinkley, CASIT
Holly Syljuberget, Business Affairs

Financial Impact: Cost Neutral

US16/17-02: Change to the Senate Bylaws regarding the Committee on Committees membership

Date of Notice: 09/21/2016

Motion type: Legislation

Current Status: Approved 10/19/2016

Sponsor: Senate Executive Committee


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS, many committees are staffed by persons from all Senate constituencies; and

1.2 WHEREAS, Classified Staff and Officers of Administration have knowledge about members of their respective constituencies, which is useful in filling committee vacancies;

Section II

2.1 THEREFORE BE IT MOVED, that section 5.5 of the senate bylaws be amended as follows:

The Committee on Committees shall generally have 10-12 members from the Statutory Faculty as defined in the University of Oregon Constitution Section 2.2. Senate constituencies, with a majority coming from the Statutory Faculty as defined in the University of Oregon Constitution Section 2.2. To facilitate its work, the Committee membership should represent the broadest possible cross-section of campus academic units including CAS and the professional schools. The Senate Vice President is the chair of the Committee on Committees.




The University of Oregon has a wealth of exemplary individuals who contribute to the success of our university. The Senate recognizes a few of them each year for their leadership and service through four major Senate Awards. These awards allow the Senate to highlight our shared values and those characteristics that enhance the experience of students, staff, and faculty.

2020 Award Recipients

UO Senate Award for Shared Governance, Transparency & Trust:
Jennifer Espinola, Law School
Chris Ruiz de Esparza, Law School
Sierra Dawson, Office of the Provost

Classified Staff Leadership Award:
Char Fentress, University Health Center
Cimmeron Gillespie, Campus Planning & Facilities Management

Wayne T. Westling Award:
Kassia Dellabough, College of Design

Leadership and Service Award for Officers of Administration:
Herlinda Leon, Romance Languages

Deadline for 2020-21 award nominations: TBD. All members of the campus community are able to nominate any eligible faculty member, classified staff person, or officer of administration for these awards. These awards will be presented at a formal ceremony at the June Senate meeting.

Nominations must be sent to: senatecoordinator@uoregon.edu.

Senate Awards:

UO Senate Award for Shared Governance, Transparency, and Trust Wayne T. Westling Award Classified Staff Leadership Award Leadership and Service Award for Officers of Administration
Purpose: Award is given to the person who has best exemplified the principles of shared governance, transparency, and trust during the past year. Established in 2015. Purpose: Named in honor of Wayne T. Westling, Professor of Law at the University of Oregon from 1979-2001. He was recognized across campus for his unswerving and selfless commitment to faculty governance. Award is given for outstanding and long-term leadership and service to the university. Established in 2001. Purpose: Recognize an individual who is a leader in one or more of these areas – personal and professional development, a respectful work environment, or diversity. Must be a “change agent” who has made “a difference through their actions and through collaborative relationships.” Established in 2011. Purpose: Recognize exemplary service over a period of years and outstanding leadership. Must be committed to shared governance and participatory decision making and must foster inclusiveness, respect, and professional excellence. Established 2011.
Eligible: Any administrator or other member of the UO community. Eligible: Any faculty or staff member. Eligible: All classified employees. Eligible: All Officers of Administration.
Selection: Recommended by Senate Executive Committee; selected by members of the University Senate. Selection: Recommended by the Committee on Committees; selected by members of the University Senate. Selection: By the current and previous classified staff senators employed at the university. Selection: By the current Officers of Administration senators.
Criteria: This award will be presented to the individual who has best exemplified the values of trust, transparency, and shared governance in the past year.

Criteria:1) Exemplary service over a period of years to the university through participation in university committees, advisory bodies, or faculty elective positions, and

2) Inspired leadership and commitment to the principles of shared governance, participatory decision-making, and fostering a campus climate of inclusiveness and respect.

 Criteria:Award nominees should be leaders in one or more of the following categories:

Personal and Professional Development: Demonstrates leadership that promotes personal and professional development for Classified Staff in all areas of education, culture, and international awareness, as well as, fosters respect and understanding of the value of lifelong learning and inquiry in the development of all faculty, staff, and students.

A Respectful Work Environment: Demonstrates leadership, and the wise exercise of civic responsibilities in building a collaborative relationship between management, faculty, staff and students; an individual whose actions in cultivating and building respect and recognition make a difference toward a supportive and respectful workplace environment.

Diversity: Demonstrates leadership that embraces and respects the differences in each of us; a change agent whose actions demonstrate the commitment to make a difference and impact the lives of others, is true to the principles of equality of opportunity and freedom from unfair discrimination, and is committed to an open system of accountability and transparency in University operations.

 Criteria:Nominations will be evaluated by the OA Award Committee based on the following:

1) Exemplary service over a period of years to the university through participation in committees, advisory bodies, or elected positions, and

2) Inspired leadership and commitment to the principles of shared governance, participatory decision making, and fostering a campus climate of inclusiveness, respect, and professional excellence.

Process:Describe the specific actions or activities of the nominee that demonstrate their commitment to the values listed above. Describe in detail why you believe the nominee deserves this award.

Be sure to include: Nominee’s name, department/unit, and work phone number; their supervisor’s name and work phone number; your name, department, email address, and work phone number.

Please submit in Word or PDF format.

 Process: Nominations should include a statement that details the nominee’s leadership and service contributions to the university community. Please include a resume or curriculum vitae for the nominee, if appropriate. Additional letters of support for the nominee are welcome.

Be sure to include: Nominee’s name, department/unit, and work phone number; their supervisor’s name and work phone number; your name, department, email address, and work phone number.

Please submit in Word or PDF format.

Process: Describe the specific actions or activities of the nominee that demonstrate their leadership in one or more of the categories above. Explain in detail why you believe the nominee is deserving of recognition.

Be sure to include: Nominee’s name, department/unit, and work phone number; their supervisor’s name and work phone number; your name, department, email address, and work phone number.

Please submit in Word or PDF format.

 Process: Describe in detail why you believe the nominee is deserving of recognition.

Be sure to include: Nominee’s name, department/unit, and work phone number; their supervisor’s name and work phone number; your name, department, email address, and work phone number.

Please submit in Word or PDF format.