Tag Archives: General Education

Wabash Center of Inquiry Visits UO Senate

UPDATE April 2017: Memo from Wabash regarding recent UO visit.

Wabash Memo

On November 28, 29, 30, the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs and the Division of Undergraduate Studies will host Charles Blaich and Kathy Wise from the Wabash Center of Inquiry. The Center of Inquiry is dedicated to using evidence to strengthen liberal arts education for all students at all institutions. Charles and Kathy are the principle researchers on the Wabash National Study 2006-2012, a large-scale, longitudinal study to investigate critical factors that affect the outcomes of liberal arts education. Their research was designed to help colleges and universities improve student learning and enhance the educational impact of their programs. To that end, the study had two fundamental goals:

• To learn what teaching practices, programs, and institutional structures support liberal arts education
• To develop methods of assessing liberal arts education

Slides from the Wabash Center presentation to the UO Senate

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Senate Meeting Agenda – November 30, 2016


Location: EMU 145 & 146 CRATER LAKE Rooms
3:00-5:00 PM

3:00 PM  Call to Order

Introductory Remarks:

Bill Harbaugh (Economics & Senate President)

Approval of Minutes for Nov 16, 2016 – (postpone until Jan 18)

3:10 PM New Business

  1. Vote: US16/17-10: Approval of Curriculum Report, Fall Term 2016; Frances White (Anthropology), Chair of UO Committee on Courses
  2. Vote: US16/17-04: Revise Charge and Name of IAC Committee; Andy Karduna (Human Physiology)

3:40 PM Reports

  1. Update on Accreditation update: Ron Bramhall (AVP for Academic Excellence).
  2. IFS & PAC12-ALC: Robert Kyr (Music)
  3. Governor’s Campus Safety Workup Report; Robert Kyr (Music)
  4. IT Reorganization; Greg Bryant (College of Ed)

3:55 Open Discussion

A “facilitated conversation” on General Education; Charles Blaich and Kathy Wise from the Wabash Center of Inquiry (http://www.liberalarts.wabash.edu/).  They have conducted empirical research designed to learn what teaching practices, programs, and institutional structures support liberal arts education, and develop methods of assessing liberal arts education. Sponsored by Lisa Freinkel and Ron Bramhall.

Slide Presentation

4:55PM  Notice(s) of Motion
4:57PM  Other Business
5:00PM  Adjournment


Senate Meeting Agenda – November 2, 2016


Location: Gerlinger Lounge; 3:00-5:00 pm

3:00 pm        Call to Order

1.1      Introductory Remarks, Senate President Bill Harbaugh

3:05 pm        Approval of Minutes

2.1      Oct 19, 2016

3:10        State of the University

3.1      A brief update from President Schill

3:30 pm        Reports

Update on UO Board of Trustees: Susan Gary, Kurt Willcox, and Will Paustian

3:45 pm    New Business

4.1   Vote: US16/17-06: Approve Revised Committee on Committees Membership; Chris Sinclair (Math), Senate Vice President

4.2   Vote: US16/17-04: Revise Charge and Name of IAC committee; Andy Karduna (Human Physiology), immediate past chair of IAC

4.3    Vote: US16/17-03: New Program Proposal: Spatial Data Science and Technology (Geography); Allison Schmitke (Education), Chair of Undergraduate Council and Chris Bone (Geography)

4.4    Discussion: US16/17-07: Student Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Complaint and Response policy proposal; Merle Weiner (Law), Chair of Senate Responsible Reporting Work Group

4.5     Discussion: US16/17-05: Graduate Hybrid and Online Courses policy;  (Graduate Council)

4:50 pm    Open Discussion

5.1   Gen Ed Reform introduction

4:57 pm    Notice(s) of Motion

4:58 pm    Other Business

4:59 pm    Adjournment