The Diversity, Power, Agency task force (DPA) has been asked to review the Multicultural Requirement (MCR) and make recommendations for updates/revisions. The following are excerpts from the task force’s conversations thus far. This project is ongoing and feedback is encouraged. Continue reading Diversity, Power, Agency Task Force
Tag Archives: Diversity
IDEAL Framework Implementation
September 14, 2017
Bill Harbaugh
Senate Vice President
Dear Bill:
I hope that your summer has been restful and that your preparations for fall term are going smoothly.
As we look forward to the implementation stage of the Diversity Action Plans (DAPs), we are preparing an ecosystem of support that will facilitate the new programming as well as policies, partnerships, and innovations in our schools, colleges, and administrative units. The first step in this process is to reconfigure the University-Wide Diversity Committee (UWDC) as an infrastructure for IDEAL implementation, which will involve establishing and staffing a new committee and subcommittee structure. At that stage, we will need the participation of faculty, staff, GEs and students who are interested in this work. Attached, please find a table that we are using to guide the next phase of this process forward. The table lists the working groups being formed and their charges. The groups were selected based on tactics that appeared across multiple units’ DAPs.
I write today to ask for your assistance in identifying and recommending colleagues from the UO Senate, who can assist us in carrying out the next steps/working group charge for the following tactics:
* Climate Survey Development and Analytics
* Implicit Bias Professional Development*
* Evaluating Existing Workshops, Professional Development Programs/Gap Analysis*
* Recruiting Processes, Outlets, and Retention Tools*
* Professional Development Pilot Programs
* Leadership Succession Planning*
* Onboarding and Training for New Employees and New Supervisors*
While recommendations for service on any working group is welcome and appreciated, those groups flagged with an asterisk (*) are in the greatest need of membership.
As you recommend colleagues, please also suggest the capacity in which they might serve (committee member, chair, co-chair, etc.) Be assured that each of the committees and subcommittees will be staffed and supported by a DEI team member. It is our intent to ensure that meetings are carried efficiently and make the best use of committee members’ time and expertise.
It will be wonderful to get your feedback by September 30, 2017 so that we can include it in the proposed work plan for President Schill. Once we get approval from him, we will move forward to establish our working groups so that they are ready to begin meeting fall 2017. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
CC: Chris Sinclair
Lesley-Anne Pittard
Vickie De Rose
Kelly Pembleton
Samantha Zysett
US16/17-08: Proposed Senate Resolution: “Reaffirming our Shared Values of Respect for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”
Senate Meeting Agenda – November 16, 2016
DRAFT (revised Wednesday 11/16/2016)
Location: EMU 214 (REDWOOD Auditorium); 3:00-5:00 pm
Call to Order (3:00 PM)
Introductory Remarks, Senate President Bill Harbaugh
Approval of Minutes from Oct 19, 2016 and Nov 2, 2016
New Business (3:15 PM)
1. Vote: US16/17-05: Graduate Online & Hybrid Courses policy proposal; Scott Pratt (Philosophy & Graduate Council)
2. Vote: US16/17-07: Student Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Complaint and Response policy proposal; Merle Weiner (Law) & the Senate Responsible Reporting Working Group
State of the University update (3:40 – 4:00)
Mike Schill (UO President)
More New Business
Motion to suspend the rules and allow debate and vote on both:
3. US16/17-08: Reaffirming our Shared Values of Respect for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Senator Pedro Garcia-Caro (Romance Languages) et al.
4: US16/17-09: Declaring UO a Sanctuary Campus; Lynn Stephen (Anthropology) et al.
Open Discussion
Reports (4:45 PM)
1. Update on Accreditation update: Ron Bramhall (AVP for Academic Excellence).
2. IFS & PAC12-ALC: Robert Kyr (Music)
3. Governor’s Campus Safety Workup Report; Robert Kyr (Music)
4:55 pm 7. Notice(s) of Motion
4:57 pm 8. Other Business
5:00 pm 9. Adjournment