Tag Archives: Curriculum Report

US18/19-21: Approval of Curriculum Report, Spring 2019

Date of Notice: April 10, 2019
Current Status: Approved June 5, 2019
Motion Type: Legislation
Sponsor: UO Committee on Courses


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS the UO Committee on Courses has submitted the Spring Term 2019 Preliminary Curriculum Report for University Senate review.

Section II

2.1 THEREFORE BE IT MOVED the University Senate approves the Spring 2019 Curriculum Report as submitted by the UO Committee on Courses.

US18/19-02: Approval of Curriculum Report, Fall 2018

Date of Notice: October 3, 2018
Current Status: Notice Given
Motion Type: Legislation
Sponsor: UO Committee on Courses


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS the UO Committee on Courses has submitted the Fall Term 2018 Preliminary Curriculum Report for the University Senate review;

Section II

2.1 BE IT THEREFORE MOVED the University Senate approves the Fall 2018 Curriculum Report as submitted by the UO Committee on Courses.

Senate Meeting Agenda – June 6, 2018


Location: EMU 214 (Redwood Auditorium)
3:00 – 5:00 P.M.

3:00 P.M.   Call to Order

  • Introductory Remarks; Senate Vice President Bill Harbaugh
  • Update from Johnson Hall

3:30 P.M. Approval of Minutes, May 23, 2018

3:35 P.M.   Business

  • Spring 2018 Preliminary Curriculum Report; Frances White (Anthropology), Chair of UO Committee on Courses
  • Vote: Vice President and President Elect for 2018-2019
  • Spring 2018 Elections & Appointments Results
  • UO Senate Award for Shared Governance, Transparency, and Trust – Britt Johnson, AEI; Monique Balbuena, Clark Honors College; Kenny Jacoby, Palm Beach Post
  • UO Senate Leadership and Service Award for Officers of Administration – Teri Rowe, Economics and Sociology
  • UO Senate Classified Staff Leadership Award – Jimmy Murray, Price Science Commons Library
  • UO Senate Wayne T. Westling Award – Frances White, Anthropology

4:50 P.M.   Open Discussion
4:50 P.M.   Reports
4:50 P.M.   Notice(s) of Motion
4:50 P.M.   Other Business
5:00 P.M.   Adjourn

Senate Awards Reception:

  • Part 1 – Refreshments and Snacks in the Redwood Auditorium, 4:30 – 5:30 P.M.
  • Part 2 – Drinks and hor-d’oeuvres at the Faculty Club*, Senate Awardees and guests welcome. 5:50 on, with a toast at 5:45 P.M.
    • * Enter through the front door of the Jordan Schnitzer Musuem of Art


US16/17-29: Approval of Curriculum Report, Spring 2017

Date of Notice: May 1, 2017

Current Status: Notice Given

Motion Type: Legislation

Sponsor: Frances White (Anthropology), Chair of the UO Committee on Courses


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS the UO Committee on Courses has submitted the Spring 2017 Preliminary Curriculum Report for University Senate Review, with the following amendments:

Anth 243
Anth 274
EDLD 626
EDLD 631
EDLD 638
EDLD 643

Add admin actions:
KRN 403 Thesis (1-6R) [Pass/no pass only] Repeatable.
KRN 503 Thesis (1-6R) [Pass/no pass only] Repeatable.

GRST 621-should be listed with 4 credits, not 3
Anth 278-remove “effective spring 2017”

Section II

2.1 BE IT THEREFORE MOVED that the University Senate approves the Spring 2017 Curriculum Report as submitted by the UO Committee on Courses.

Related Documents

Spring 2017 Preliminary Curriculum Report

Spring 2017 Final Curriculum Report

UOCC Guidelines for approval of undergraduate online/hybrid classes

Senate Meeting Agenda – November 30, 2016


Location: EMU 145 & 146 CRATER LAKE Rooms
3:00-5:00 PM

3:00 PM  Call to Order

Introductory Remarks:

Bill Harbaugh (Economics & Senate President)

Approval of Minutes for Nov 16, 2016 – (postpone until Jan 18)

3:10 PM New Business

  1. Vote: US16/17-10: Approval of Curriculum Report, Fall Term 2016; Frances White (Anthropology), Chair of UO Committee on Courses
  2. Vote: US16/17-04: Revise Charge and Name of IAC Committee; Andy Karduna (Human Physiology)

3:40 PM Reports

  1. Update on Accreditation update: Ron Bramhall (AVP for Academic Excellence).
  2. IFS & PAC12-ALC: Robert Kyr (Music)
  3. Governor’s Campus Safety Workup Report; Robert Kyr (Music)
  4. IT Reorganization; Greg Bryant (College of Ed)

3:55 Open Discussion

A “facilitated conversation” on General Education; Charles Blaich and Kathy Wise from the Wabash Center of Inquiry (http://www.liberalarts.wabash.edu/).  They have conducted empirical research designed to learn what teaching practices, programs, and institutional structures support liberal arts education, and develop methods of assessing liberal arts education. Sponsored by Lisa Freinkel and Ron Bramhall.

Slide Presentation

4:55PM  Notice(s) of Motion
4:57PM  Other Business
5:00PM  Adjournment