Jennifer Espinola, 2020 UO Senate Shared Governance, Transparency, and Trust Award

Photo coming soon

Acceptance Remarks

I am Jennifer Espinola, the Dean of Students in the School of Law. I became involved with the Leadership Academy because Sierra Dawson reached out to see if I would be interested in working with her on the development of a leadership program for faculty and administrators at the university. Most of my 20+ years in higher ed has focused on leadership education so I was eager to help. One of my most valuable contributions was advising that we bring Chris Esparza on to the project since I was aware of his extensive background with leadership development as well. Honestly, it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional career – to work on this team of dedicated, passionate, smart, creative people on work that matters and truly makes a difference – it’s been remarkable. I believe that in the Leadership Academy we equip and empower others to bring their authentic and best selves to our collective work at the university. We are also cultivating relationships that make us a stronger community. As our current realities on campus and around the nation are showing us, ethical, inclusive leadership is needed in every room, in every discussion, from everyone, if we are going to face our challenges effectively . . . I feel deeply grateful and proud to be part of this initiative. This award is lovely and appreciated.

Shared governance at the University of Oregon

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