Good afternoon Dr. Kyr, members of the University Senate, and guests. Thank you for this great honor. Although I knew this award existed, it would never have occurred to me that I would be awarded it, in part because there are so many of my colleagues who equally deserve it. And it’s a pleasure to work with them every day. However, I will humbly accept this award with relish and sincere pleasure.
I’m a third generation Oregon native; I grew up on a small farm near Portland. While two older brothers graduated from U of O, my degree in education came from one of Oregon’s other “seven sisters” PSU. I have two daughters, (one who is an alum) and three grand-daughters, all of whom I adore tremendously. I like to garden and while I enjoy cooking I’m rather mediocre at it. I like crossword puzzles but the one in the Register Guard is as good as it gets. I love to travel and road trips are a favorite. That is where I am now, watching the world slip by as I motor down highway 19 somewhere between Alert Bay and Campbell River on Vancouver Island. I’ve traveled in Asia, the South Pacific, South and Central America and Europe, and to most places in the US. I’ve swabbed out a toilet, replaced a water heater and changed bathroom and kitchen sinks. I’m handy with a sewing machine and have made patchwork quilts and dresses for my children and grandchildren. I’m amazed constantly that across this campus I continually meet the legions of other classified employees with similar if not more interesting backgrounds, training, skills, and experiences.
I work in the Office of Admissions which is truly a unique place. My work area is called the Sun Room on the second floor of Oregon Hall and overlooks the large U of O sign along Franklyn Boulevard. There are big windows and lots of light. I share the space with 5 other workers who process applications and offer support in the admissions process. I also share the space with about 20 orchids which I alternately treat with nurture and neglect. They show me their perverse gratitude by continuing to bloom. My primary job is to support the traveling admissions recruiters and to handle the various mail communications with prospective students and applicants. I sit in on communications meetings, offer advice on purchasing equipment and supplies, and manage three student workers who remind me of what’s it’s like to be young. I also empty our office composting bucket. The admissions office is an interesting blend of personalities and persuasions, temperaments and tolerances.
Besides working hard, we are known to have a good time. There are periods of intense production peppered with bursts of humor and fun. And every month a birthday party. It is not uncommon to put up the Department’s half sized ping pong table for some Friday afternoon tension release. Parents often contact senior admissions management with compliments on what a great job we’re doing in recruiting and processing their children’s admission and how impressed they are with the personal touch we take with their children. We take very seriously our mission of carefully admitting the best candidates for a most rewarding and successful experience here at the U of O.
So, that’s about who I am and what I do here. I’ve said many times that this is the most rewarding and occupationally fulfilling job I’ve had during my varied working life. I’ve had many different and interesting occupations and, I can tell you that I’ve learned a thing or two in those other experiences that I’ve added to my repertoire of skills and style, both as a person and an employee.
One of my favorite associations over the past years has been with the Classified Staff Training and Development Advisory Committee, more recently as the committee chairman. This is a standing university committee that works with human resources to advise on training and development opportunities for classified staff. We also work with the office of Organizational Development and Training that offers many courses for classified staff and the robust SkillSoft, online training programs available to everyone. Through training and recognition, our mission is to foster and nurture the best, most capable classified workforce possible. We also host the recognition events for classified staff like the Years of Service reception and the luncheon honoring those with 25 or more years of service. Perhaps you’ve received a message from me announcing the committee hosted fall or spring meeting with the president. And, I personally administer the CSTDAC Pass The Duck awards. This is a self-perpetuating award where the previous recipient passes on one of six Lucite trophies to the recipient of his choosing. This award primarily honors the dedication and service of the many, many deserving classified workers by their peers. This endeavor has also allowed me the opportunity to meet the many, many interesting, knowledgeable and dedicated classified staff from across campus. What I’ve found is that if you ask any classified staff person, they will tell you that as this university continues to grow and expand its academic programs, to serve an ever larger student body and provide for their needs, they work harder than ever in providing the best service possible, while struggling to understand why the Oregon University System’s contract bargaining unit wants to minimize the compensation the classified staffers earn.
CSTDAC recognizes this challenge in trying to provide training opportunities for them when they simply can’t or aren’t allowed to take time to develop their skills. They want to feel more like an asset to this institution than a liability. Their collective skill sets, colorful backgrounds and tremendous dedication to this endeavor add to the wonderful tapestry that makes the University of Oregon special. I want the University of Oregon to become its best self. Let’s work to protect and encourage all of us who work here to be the best they can be and recognized and compensated for it.
As I head toward my retirement at warp speed, it is wonderful to be recognized for this honor and to feel like my endeavors matter. So, to Dr. Kyr and members of the University Senate, thank you. I am deeply honored.