DRAFT – Note that a minor update to the COI proposal may be coming.
Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms)
3:00 – 5:00 P.M.
3:00 P.M. Call to order
- Introductory Remarks; Senate Pres Bill Harbaugh
- University Report: Provost Jayanth Banavar
3:30 PM Approval of Minutes
- February 13, 2019
3:30 PM Business/ Reports:
- Vote: US18/19-13: Approval of Curriculum Report, Winter 2019; Frances White (CoC)
- Discuss: US18/19-11: Requiring CANVAS for Core Ed Courses; Chris Sinclair (Core Ed Council)
- Discussion and possible Vote: US18/19-12: Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities policy revisions (policy draft HERE); Elizabeth Skowron (Senate VP). NOTE: there may be one more revision of this, to be posted Tuesday.)
- Vote: US18/19-10: Academic Continuity Plan policy proposal (motion and redlines) and PROPOSAL (3/7/19 clean version from ACP); Frances White (CoC). Redlined version here.
- Update on teaching evaluation progress; Bill Harbaugh (Senate), Sierra Dawson (OtP), Lee Rumbarger (TEP).
4:50 PM Open Discussion
4:51 PM Reports
- Legislative update, Melanie Muenzer (OtP)
4:58 PM Notice(s) of Motion
- Replacing the old end of term Student Evaluation of Teaching with a new Student Experience Survey.
4:59 PM Other Business
5:00 PM Adjourn to Faculty Club, all invited!