Location: Zoom (Please find link below the agenda)
3:00 – 5:00 P.M.
3:00 P.M. Call to Order
- Land Acknowledgment; Elliot Berkman
- Zoom rules; Sandy Weintraub
- Introductory Remarks; Senate President Elliot Berkman
- Remarks; Senate Vice President & President-Elect Spike Gildea
3:10 P.M. State of the University
- President Michael Schill
3:25 P.M. Updates & Announcements
- COVID; Andre Le Duc
3:40 P.M. Approval of Minutes
3:40 P.M. New Business
- Updates: Teaching/Peer Evaluations; CIET members: Sierra Dawson, Lee Rumbarger, Bill Harbaugh, Austin Hocker
- Presentation/Vote: US19/20-16: Resolution to Adopt an Open Access Scholarship Policy; David Condon
- May Senate Mtg presentation video (Skip forward to 01:15:49 in video)
- openaccess.uoregon.edu
- Election: SBC members
4:15 P.M. Open Discussion
- US19/20-18: Resolution Against Racism and Systemic Oppression; inclusive classrooms, Work Plan
- Senate-led Anti-Racism Seminar overview and feedback (see syllabus from OSU event).
- Planning for November 4, 2020 Senate meeting
4:55 P.M. Reports
4:56 P.M. Notices of Motion
4:58 P.M. Other Business
5:00 P.M. Adjourn
Topic: Senate Mtg – Oct 2020
Time: Oct 7, 2020 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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