Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms)
3:00 – 5:00 P.M.
3:00 P.M. Call to order
- Introductory Remarks; Senate President Bill Harbaugh
- Remarks: President Schill
3:29 PM Approval of Minutes
- February 13, 2019 and May 22, 2019
3:30 PM Business / Reports:
- Vote on Other Curricular Matters included in the Curriculum Report: A change to the last date for students to add courses. Full Text: “The last day to add a course is to be moved from the Sunday preceding the second week at 11:59 p.m. to the Monday of the second week at 11:59 p.m.” Frances White.
- Vote: US18/19-21: Approval of Curriculum Report, Spring 2019; Frances White
- Vote on new Senate VP / President Elect. Elizabeth Skowron (Psychology, Senate Vice President)
- Pass the gavel
- UO Senate Award for Shared Governance, Transparency and Trust: To Karen Ford (College of Arts & Sciences and English), Jessica Price (General Counsel’s Office), Brent Walth (Journalism)
- UO Senate Leadership and Service Award for Officers of Administration: To Annie Herz (Human Resources)
- UO Senate Classified Staff Leadership Award: To Terry McQuilkin (UO Libraries)
- UO Senate Wayne T. Westling Award: To Karen Ford (College of Arts & Sciences and English), Leslie Opp-Beckman (American English Institute)
- Another recognition
4:50 PM Open Discussion
4:52 PM Other Reports
4:54 PM Notice(s) of Motion
4:56 PM Other Business
5:00 PM Adjourn to Faculty Club, all invited!