Colin Koopman Candidate Statement 2019

I strongly believe in shared governance and administrative transparency at public education institutions. Because of this, I have greatly valued my previous service on the University Senate, which provides an opportunity for both collaborative and open governance. I have served twice previously (taking a break between my two terms of service during a recent sabbatical year). If elected, I look forward to representing the Humanities and our interests once again.

In my service on Senate thus far I have dedicated my energies there to improving policies that come before the Senate by working with stakeholders and fellow senators both on the senate floor and outside of senate meetings. For instance, much of my work has involved clarifying needlessly confusing policy language. Oftentimes policies come to the senate with vague or ambiguous language that does not adequately represent the intentions of those crafting the policy nor the university goals that the policy is designed to achieve. I have also been involved with more substantive policy crafting, particularly around the following areas on which I have been directly involved in crafting legislation: data policies (including information privacy and data security policies), gender-based harassment policies (particularly in light of needs to achieve conformity with Obama-era Title IX guidance), sexual relations policies, and curriculum policies. Some of my work on these matters was informed by my research expertise in information ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of law.

If elected, I hope to continue to pursue policy improvements in these and other areas. In addition, I hope to join with fellow senators in pressing for greater institutional transparency at UO, an area in which we have much room for (and I believe will for) improvement.

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