US18/19-19: Policy on Hiring and Promotion of Academic Administrators

Date of Notice: April 10, 2019
Current Status: Postponed on 05/22/2019
Motion Type: Policy Proposal
Sponsor: Bill Harbaugh, Economics


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS  the University of Oregon does not currently have a policy on the hiring and promotion of Academic Administrators;

Section II

2.1 THEREFORE BE IT MOVED that the University Senate approves the Policy on Hiring and Promotion of Academic Administrators as outlined in the Related Documents.

Policy on Hiring and Promotion of Academic Administrators proposal

One thought on “US18/19-19: Policy on Hiring and Promotion of Academic Administrators”

  1. Hi, Bill or Betina, I’ve never posted here before – can the other comment not be approved? I’ve cleaned it up a bit here:

    I’d like to follow upon the conversation yesterday about hiring at the dean’s level. There was a good discussion around hiring deans, and I’d like to recap:

    It was proposed that staff and students be included, not “encouraged” to be included. I strongly support that suggestion.
    1) Staff are regularly impacted by the dean’s position.
    2) For students, we are going to demonstrate a commitment to our student population and being a student-centered campus, then actions, such as having a student on a dean’s search committee, are important. Words are not enough. It’s what we do that students value. I have another motive for including students: I firmly believe that the opportunities our students have to engage in committee work provides an invaluable learning opportunity that will transfer into their own professional lives. Seeing the inner workings of an academic unit, participating on a job search, and engaging in a high-stakes committee is part of the social and professional capital that students need in order to be successful. It’s not just about the final outcome, but for our students the process matters, too.

    There was a conversation about referencing “The majority of the search committee will consist of Faculty from the hiring unit.” I would prefer that OA, staff, and student representation be included in the comment so it would read something like, “the majority of the hiring committee should be comprised of faculty, OA, staff, and a student from the academic unit. The majority of faculty representation should also come from the academic unit.”

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