Defacement/Improvement of University Mission Statement

From: Bill Harbaugh <>

Subject: Defacement/improvement of University Mission Statement

Date: August 23, 2018 at 9:13:55 PM PDT
To: Adriene Lim <>
Cc: Mike Schill <>, Jayanth Banavar <>, Ed Teague <>, Elizabeth Skowron <>, ASUO President <>, Chris Sinclair <>

Dear Dean of Libraries Lim –

I’m writing to you regarding the defacement (or perhaps it should be called an unofficial improvement) of “The Mission of a University” mural in the Knight Library, specifically the red-marker redaction of the words “racial heritage”. This is shown in the image below, which a UO faculty member sent me today.

Classes are not yet in session, so I have not been able to consult with the Senate on this. However my official view as Senate President is that this change is an act of historical significance and free-speech which should be preserved, or at least be prominently documented, so long as this mural remains on display.


Bill Harbaugh
Economics Prof & Senate President
University of Oregon

Dean Lim’s Response

mission statement defacement


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