Spring 2018 Candidates and Statements

University Senate
*Statutory Faculty openings for 2017-2018 election cycle must come from tenured, tenure-track, officers of instruction and officers of administration with tenure in an academic department classifications.

College of Arts and Sciences – No more than two from any department

Natural Sciences – 5 faculty openings

1. Margaret Sereno, Psychology
2. Alan Rempel, Earth Sciences
3. Chris Sinclair, Mathematics
4. Michelle Wood, Biology
5. Lou Moses

Social Sciences – 2 faculty openings

1. Glen Waddell, Economics
2. Eileen Otis, Sociology

Humanities – 5 faculty openings

1. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, East Asian Languages
2. Volya Kapatinski, Linguistics
3. Caroline Lundquist, Geography
4. Pedro Garcia-Caro, Romance Languages
5. Michael Stern, German & Scandinavian Studies
6. Alejandro Vallega, Philosophy
7. Mark Whalan, English

Professional Schools

College of Design – 2 faculty openings


Lundquist College of Business – 2 faculty openings

1. Ali Emami, Finance
2. Robin Clement, Business

College of Education – 1 faculty openings

1. Elizabeth Skowron, Counseling Psychology

School of Journalism & Communication – 1 faculty openings

1. Christopher Chavez, Advertising

School of Law – No current openings

School of Music & Dance – No current openings

Clark Honors College – 1 opening

1. Vera Keller

UO Libraries -1 faculty openings


Officers of Administration – 1 opening

1. Monica Bray, College of Business
2. Sharece Bunn, International Affairs
3. Jesse Conway, Research & Innovation
4. Angela Long, Health Center
5.Jessica Marquez, SOJC
6. Jill Martineau, Dean of Students
7. Thor Mikesell, SOMD
8. Brady Nittmann, Budget & Resource Planning
9. Melina Pastos, Undergraduate Studies
10. Cressa Perloff, Education Science Lab
11. Jessica Roberts, College of Education
12. David Salmon, Undergraduate Studies

ASUO Student Senators – 5 openings (selected by the ASUO)

Classified Staff – 2 openings

1. Jay Butler, Business Affairs
2. Don Dixon, CASIT
3. Zach Fairchild, Student Life
4. Angie Hopkins, CSWS
5. Bill Madden, CASIT
6. Valerie Mickelson, Printing & Mailing
7. Sarah Proctor, Libraries
8. Peggy Schneider, Parking & Transportation
9. Dan Shepard, Human Physiology
10. Marie Swarringim, Campus Planning
11. Louie Vidmar, SOJC
12. Lisa Wimberly, EC Cares

Elected Committees

Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence – 3 openings

1. Hayden Harker, Mathematics
2. Heather McBride, English
3. Mikhail Myagkov, Political Science
4. Nancy Nelson, Education
5. Mary Oberlies, UO Libraries
6. Ofer Raban, Law

Core Education Council (NEW)

College of Arts & Sciences

Natural Sciences – 1 opening

1. Edward Davis, Earth Sciences
2. Chris Sinclair, Mathematics

Social Sciences – 1 opening

1. Pedro Garcia-Caro, Romance Languages
2. Emily Simnitt, English

Professional Schools – 3 openings

1. Alison Schmitke, Education
2. TBD
3. TBD

Faculty Advisory Council

Career NTTF – 1 opening

Randy Sullivan, Chemistry

Humanities – 1 opening

1. Martha Bayless, English
2. Spike Gildea, Linguistics
3. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, East Asian Languages
4. Volya Kapatinski, Linguistics
5. Tyler Kendall, Linguistics
6. Pedro Garcia-Caro, Romance Languages
7. Michael Stern, German & Scan Studies

Professional Schools (NTTF) – 1 opening

1. TBD

Officers of Administration – 1 opening

1. Jill Martineau, Office of Dean of Students
2. Thor Mikesell, Music
3. Jen Mirabile, Human Resources
4. Jessica Roberts, College of Education
5. Teri Rowe, Economics & Sociology
6. David Salmon, Undergraduate Studies
7. Sara Stubbs, Information Services

Professional Schools (TTF) – 1 opening

1. John Chalmers, Business
2. Alex Dossin, Music
3. Ihab Elzeyadi, Architecture
4. Fritz Gearhart, Music
5. Charles Martinez, Education
6. Kevin Nute, Architecture
7. Jason Silveira, Music

Faculty Grievance Appeals Committee – 2 openings

1. Burke Hendrix, Political Science
2. Dave Fowler, UO Libraries
3. Mary Grenci, UO Libraries
4. Peng Lu, Mathematics
5. Kevin Nute, Architecture
6. Ofer Raban, Law

Faculty Personnel Committee

College of Arts & Sciences – 4 openings

1. Marcin Bownik, Mathematics
2. Sangita Gopal, Cinema Studies
3. Volya Kapatsinski, Linguistics
4. Peng Lu, Mathematics
5. Carol Silverman, Anthropology
6. Caleb Southworth, Sociology
7. Michael Stern, German & Scan Studies
8. Stephen Frost, Anthropology

School of Law – 1 opening

1. TBD

School of Journalism & Communication – 1 opening

1. Donnalyn Pompper, SOJC

Graduate Council

College of Business – 1 opening

1. Hong Yuan

CASĀ  Humanities – 1 opening

1. Anne Laskaya, English
2. Fabienne Moore, Romance Languages

CAS Social Sciences – 2 openings

1. Burke Hendrix, Political Science
2. Jeremy Piger, Economics

School of Music & Dance – 1 opening

1. Leslie Straka, Music

Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee

Classified Staff – 1 opening

1. Don Dixon, CASIT
2. Zach Fairchild, Student Life
3. Lauren Goss, Libraries
4. Christina Green, Business Affairs
5. Angie Hopkins, CSWS
6. Marty Hurst, Educational and Community Supports
7. Bill Madden, CASIT
8. Valerie Mickelson, Printing & Mailing
9. Sarah Proctor, Libraries
10. Peggy Schneider, Parking & Transportation
11. Lisa Wimberly, EC Cares

Faculty – 1 opening

1. Curtis Austin, History
2. Charlie Butler, Journalism
3. Katherine Donaldson, Libraries
4. Dave Fowler, Libraries
5. Spike Gildea, Linguistics
6. Joshua Gordon, Business
7. Rebekah Hanley, Law
8. Hayden Harker, Mathematics
9. Burke Hendrix, Political Science
10. Kathleen Lenn, Libraries
11. Peng Lu, Mathematics
12. N. Christopher Phillips, Mathematics
13. Glen Waddell, Economics

Officers of Administration Council – 4 openings

1. Jesse Conway, Research & Innovation
2. Larissa Ennis, University Advancement
3. Angela Long, Health Center
4. Jessica Marquez, SOJC
5. Jill Martineau, Office of Dean of Students
6. Thor Mikesell, Music
7. Brett Moody, Office of Dean of Students
8. Brady Nittmann, Budget & Resource Planning
9. Cressa Perloff, Education Science Lab
10. Jessica Roberts, College of Education
11. David Salmon, Undergraduate Studies
12. Micah Sardell, Information Services
13. Sara Stubbs, Information Services

Promotion-Tenure-Retention Appeals Committee – 1 opening

1. Martha Bayless, English
2. Peng Lu, Mathematics
3. Carol Silverman, Anthropology

Undergraduate Council

CAS At Large – 2 openings

1. Jagdeep Bala, Psychology
2. Kathleen Freeman Hennessy, Computer and Information Science
3. Tyler Kendall, Linguistics
4. Hardiner Khalsa, Romance Languages
5. Craig Parsons, Political Science
6. Jana Prikryl, Biology
7. Caleb Southworth, Sociology
8. Michael Stern, German & Scan Studies
9. Randy Sullivan, Chemistry
10. Thomas Tasker, AEI
11. Arkady Vaintrob, Mathematics

CAS Humanities – 2 openings

1. Tyler Kendall, Linguistics
2. Harinder Khalsa, Romance Languages
3. Michael Stern, German & Scan Studies

CAS Natural Sciences – 1 opening

1. Jagdeep Bala, Psychology
2. Jana Prikryl, Biology
3. Randy Sullivan, Chemistry
4. Arkady Vaintrob, Mathematics
5. Craig Parsons, Political Science
6. Caleb Southworth, Sociology

College of Design – 1 opening

1. TBD

College of Education – 1 opening

1. Jessica Cronce, Family & Human Services

College of Business – 1 opening

1. Erin Cil, Business Analytics
2. Michele Henney, Business

School of Music & Dance – 1 opening

1. Drew Nobile, Music Theory
2. Jason Silveira, Music

Appointed Committees

Campus Planning Committee

College of Design – 1 opening

1. TBD

Faculty – 2 openings

1. Lowell Bowditch, Classics
2. Dean Livelybrooks, Physics
3. Krista McGuire, Biology
4. Edward Teague, UO Libraries
5. Rebekah Hanley, Law
6. Katherine Donaldson, UO Libraries
7. Marcin Bownik, Mathematics


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