A message from Professor of Advertising Deb Morrison:
Greetings during Week 2 and all it brings!
I wanted to share with some leaders of our campus the work being done by our student agency, Allen Hall Advertising.
Their initiative to bring civility to discussions, social media, conversations during tumultuous times is bringing visibility to our SOJC program as well as the University. The project is described here http://resetthecode.uoregon.edu/ and in installations at the EMU. Our students have worked tirelessly to make this happen, working last term and over break.
Our mission: we want discussion and disagreement to happen without name-calling or derision but based on facts and mutual respect. Real conversation. Let’s leave the toxicity and “comments section” approach of most social forums behind. We need your help to ensure civility and to model this approach.
We’ve had over 10,000 hits on the site from 25+ countries. I’ve just received two requests from other universities for use of the initiative and conceptual thinking. We’ll be sharing that material with Boston University and others soon.
Tom McDonnell, UO manager of creative services and the advisor for the agency, has arranged for our student leadership to present to OSU later in the term. He has done a tremendous job in mentoring these students.
Local news stations have covered it and we’re talking with Communication Arts, Adweek who will then help spread the word to large outlets like The New York Times and Washington Post. We’ll be working with our alum who work in those media organizations to get coverage.
Here’s the request: in our interviews with media, I’d like to be able to state that our administration and campus leaders actively support the project and concept. This can be done through social media or in statements and conversations. Support from Johnson Hall administration and University Senate leaders would be appreciated and make a statement. Thanks to you who have already done so.
Thanks for listening.
By the way, we are exceptionally proud of our advertising students. This is what they will continue to bring to the world as they enter the profession.
Deborah Morrison PhD
Carolyn Chambers Distinguished Professor of Advertising
Director of Advertising
University of Oregon | School of Journalism and Communication
Advertising + Brand Development
331 Allen Hall Eugene, Or 97403