
There are a vast number of transmedia resources for each of the three cemeteries; Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Davis Cemetery, and Arlington National Cemetery. But, there are striking differences in number and types of media that cover the different graveyards. I chose to focus on three types of media: books, websites, and articles. Our assignment was to pick a few resources to show how our art world has been shown in transmedia. I tried to create exhaustive lists to show how this varies between my subjects of study.

As far as books go, Arlington has far more books about it, or at least mentioning it than Eugene and Davis combined. As a national cemetery of extreme historical importance there have been many studies of its history and the stories that developed during its existence. There are also many books covering its current significance. Eugene Pioneer Cemetery was the subject of two books. For Davis Cemetery I was unable to find any books that even mentioned the cemetery and its importance in Yolo County.

Each cemetery had numerous websites. All three have their home websites that they run themselves. Beyond their control are many websites that describe and rate each place; yelp, Wikipedia, trip advisor, and many others. While Eugene and Davis has many reviews on such websites Arlington was covered by almost every version of these websites.

Articles made up the largest part of my transmedia research. There were multiple articles for all three cemeteries. There were a fair number of older articles about Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, but both Arlington and Davis have had stronger presences in recent news. Arlington will always be relevant because of its physical proximity to Washington DC and the place it has played in politics for many years. The recent news coverage of Davis Cemetery has to do with it incorporating new districts and counties.

All of the reaseach into the transmedia coverage of Arlington National Cemetery, Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, and the Davis Cemetery District, has shown me that the two smaller cemeteries are represented much more in local news and books, while Arlington has a national presence, and has had such influence for much of its existence.

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