Arlington holds many events every year. A list of ceremonies held on a regular basis: Flags in, Memorial Observances, Wreath Laying, 21 Gun Salute, Ruffles and Flourishes, and Taps. On top of those smaller more intimate ceremonies there is the daily ritual of The Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Many tours come through the site daily, making stops at the memorial arboretum, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Kennedy Gravesites, and the Arlington House (Robert E. Lee Memorial). There are yearly events on holidays such as Independence Day, Veterans’ Day and other national holidays.
- More than four million people visit yearly
- average of 5,000 funerals a year (Monday thru Saturday 27-30 per day, 6-8 on Saturdays)
- There is an elite group of active military members who guard the tomb of the Unknown Soldier 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Eugene Cemetery is somewhat unique in my study, it does not seem to have any annual celebrations. To be sure family members of those buried there visit, but as there are no plots left, there are no funerals. Pioneer Cemetery has a different kind of participations. It serves as a historical reference point for historical studies of Eugene. It is featured in articles and books about local history.
The main participants though are those who simply walk through the grounds. Many people take leisurely walks, bring their pets, and walk around the historic grounds. Many of the people who encounter the cemetery daily are students at the University of Oregon. It is part of their daily trek to class. Walking through the graveyard is a beautiful shortcut to the center of campus and its main paths are explored almost constantly.
Davis Cemetery District and Arboretum has burials on a fairly regular basis. There are burials in all parts of the grounds (in family plots, individual plots, or in specific areas of the cemetery). Davis also has a yearly Memorial Day ceremony, for which they recently created an area specifically for the event. Davis Cemetery has another feature that brings more people and attention to the site on a fairly regular basis. Gallery 1855 is located in the office of the cemetery. It is run by the cemetery’s grounds manager Joe Finkleman. They hold openings and have art featured in the gallery constantly.