Personal Values
1. Enjoyment
2. Personal Accomplishment
3. Personal Development
4. Location
5. Health
After completing the Prioritizing Life Values assessment these are my top 5 values in my life. Enjoyment will always fall within my top values since I believe life is way too short to not do the things you love (so cliche, I know). Along with that, personal development is important to me since I don’t find myself happy when I feel stuck in a place or situation. I enjoy continually learning, growing, and exploring. Building off that, location is really important to me and I love to see new places, experience different cultures, and meet new people. I think more recently health has become a top priority for me since college has definitely taken a toll on my immune system and sleeping habits. I think I place high value on personal accomplishment because my parents always pushed me to do better, try harder, and never give up. In some ways, this has bit me in the a** (pardon my french).
As you may notice, friendship or loyalty did not fall within my top 5 which, I think are things people often place a high value on. I also did not include community in my top 5 and so some of you may be wondering if I am an anti-social weirdo but as I write this I am actually on the Oregon Coast with a group of friends. A group of us rented a house down on the water for the long weekend. Today, we went to the Rogue Brewery in Newport, Yaquina Head tide pools, and spent some time wandering around the beach at Seal Rock. The weather report said it was supposed to rain all day and surprisingly it was a beautiful, partially sunny, dry day. There are so many values that play into my day, for example: friendship, enjoyment, and location. All of these values are also a part of my life back in Eugene. I am off to enjoy a wonderful seafood dinner with great friends and listen to some wisdom through Cards Against Humanity.
Happy MLK Day!