

Portfolio Cover Page

I. Artifact One: Life Values

II. Artifact Two: What is Art for? Essay Assignment

III. Artifact Three: Food as Art

IV. Artifact Four: Personal Adornment Essay

V. Artifact Five: Enjoying Horror Research

VI. Artifact Six: Creative Spirituality Reflection

VII. Artifact Seven: Art, Games, and Technology Research

VIII. Artifact Eight: Mural Assignment

IX. Bibliography



This portfolio is a collection of the assignments I have completed during the Art and Human Values course. The purpose of this portfolio is to summarize, analyze and reflect upon the work I have completed during the course in order to meet specific objectives. Each artifact link listed below contains a example of my work, a specific objective, and a reflection on my success.



This portfolio is intended for my classmates participating in Art and Human Values 250 and Professor Scott Huette, who is teaching and instructing the course.


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