Public Art

Runquist Mural Recreation


For my response I chose to recreate the Development of the Arts Runquist Mural. I used alternative images to replace the original painted sections.


Panel 1: Earliest Primitive Period. Cave Painting, shaping of earthenware, sewing – represented by the cave painting

Panel 2: Later Primitive Period. Weaving, dyeing, stonecarving, pottery, decoration – represented by the carving

Panel 3: Egyptian, Scroll decoration, architect, sculptor, mural painter, builders – represented by the pyramid

Panel 4: Greek Period. Music, drama and the dance; development of the beautiful human figure – represented by the greek painting of a musician

Panel 5: Medieval Period. Sculptor, illuminator, church music, stained glass, wood carving – represented by the stained glass

Panel 6: Renaissance, Goldsmith, violin maker, glass blower, and mural painter – represented by the mural

Panel 7: Campus development of the arts – represented by the campus painting

Panel 8: Shaw, Padwerewski, Caruso, Bernhardt, Orozoo,– represntative of modern arts. New arts indicated by cinema and radio – represented by a Shaw painting


Panels descriptions taken from:


Images used in recreation taken from:–details.html