Creativity and Spirituality Reflection

1. How do you define “spirituality”?


I do not think there is one definition for the spirituality as the word likely means something different to each individual. Many people would likely associate spirituality with religion or the belief in some higher power. I am not religious nor do I believe in a higher power. To me spirituality is belief in a metaphysical realm in which each person has an identity, the “spirit” or “soul”, without the belief in any singular higher power.


2. Does spirituality differ from religion?


Spirituality differs from religion in many aspects. Spirituality does not include the belief in a singular higher power or eternal life in an alternate realm with utopia or prison. Religion is also a worship-based belief; meaning people who subscribe to a given religion often worship the eternal being in which they believe in order to gain eternal life in a perfect alternate realm. Spirituality, in my opinion, is based on the belief in souls, not gods.


3. How do you define “creativity”?


Creativity is derived from the word “create”, which means that creativity is rooted in creation. But rather than creating any simple thing, creativity is the process of creating or culminating a new or unique idea. That idea may be expressed through a variety of channels, whether it is a physical creation or spoken or written language. Creativity may be a process, skill, or characteristic. An individual who is said to be creative is often considered artistic, while someone who is engaging in creativity is often said to be creating art.


4. What is the source of creativity?


I believe that the source of creativity is different for each individual and it is impossible to claim that there is a singular source of creativity. I think source of creativity is somewhere in a layer of consciousness beneath the surface. A place where thoughts run free and the imagination can create, like during a dream, mediation, or trance. I think this layer can be partially active while an individual is awake and can be triggered by external stimulants that lead that part of the mind to some idea, connection or inspiration.

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