Statement on Anti-Racism

I vehemently oppose systemic oppression of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) in our nation and globally. I oppose violence against BIPOC people and oppose police brutality, the prison industrial complex, and mass incarceration. To be silent on these issues is to be complicit. I will not be silent on these issues. I stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. I acknowledge my position in this system and the privilege I have been granted by circumstances outside of my control. I acknowledge that to do and say nothing is to support systemic oppression; and as an individual as well as a member of the academic community and society, I have not done enough, nor has these communities I am a part of done enough, in the past to combat systemic oppression and systemic racism.

I am committed to making myself and my department a place where racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, and xenophobia are not tolerated. I am committed to becoming an actively anti-racist group and to be active allies. I am committed to making my lab group and department a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible place.

I acknowledge that to commit to these goals takes more than statements, and I recognize that we have a long way to go. I recognize that action is required to move toward these goals. I therefore commit to the following actions and initiatives:

  • Hold and participate in quarterly anti-racist lab group meetings.
    • Fall (in the month of October): This group meeting is dedicated to giving broad introduction to systemic issues and vocabulary to discuss it. The intention of this meeting is to ensure everyone in the lab group is equipped with basic knowledge necessary to discuss systemic oppression. Additional resources to begin further individual education on systemic oppression will be provided.
    • Winter (in the month of January): This group meeting is dedicated to a more in-depth discussion of how systemic oppression is a part of academia and earth science. The intention of this meeting to make all members of the lab group aware of how systemic oppression plays into our academic community, how to be silent is to uphold oppression, and to learn more about the power we hold and how we can use it to work against systemic oppression in our field.
    • Spring (in the month of April): This group meeting is dedicated to allyship training and bystander intervention. The intention of this meeting is to give all members of the lab group skills and practice in being an active ally and to gain the confidence to intervene in situations.
    • Summer (in the month of July): This group meeting is dedicated to revisiting our actionable items list, to see what we accomplished as well as what we didn’t, and to hold ourselves accountable to the commitments we said we would make.
  • Continue to participate in departmental anti-racist reading groups.
  • Continue to work on departmental Classroom Climate anti-racist action group.
    • My specific personal goals for this term are to (1) create a self-evaluation document for educators to check if they way they hold their classroom and themselves is inclusive and equitable, (2) create guidelines for developing and inclusive and equitable syllabus and grading structure for classes, (3) and provide resources for educators to further their own education on inclusive classrooms.
  • Create documentation on using fortran 90 and how to create basic codes so that my lab group can be more inclusive when involving high school students, undergraduate students, or new graduate students in our research.
  • Collaborate with lab group on creating documentation about scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other opportunities that are available to students.
  • Connect with undergraduate clubs in earth science, environmental science, geography, general science etc and get to know students on a first name basis.
  • Continue working with the Inclusivity and gender Diversity in Earth and Atmospheric Science (IgDEAS) undergraduate and graduate mentoring program.
  • Work with Interdepartment Women and TGNC in STEM to engage with more undergraduate science majors/
  • Engage in outreach with K-12 schools in Oregon by continuing to work with the Summer Academy to Inspire Learning and connect with underrepresented high school students in Oregon.
  • Continue to work with IgDEAS as the historian and work on events.