Jakub Wabiński
Jakub joined S3C lab as a courtesy research assistant for a six months internship as a part of Fulbright Junior Research Award. During his stay at University of Oregon he investigated the relation between cartographic signs used on tactile maps and the information value these maps present.
He comes from Poland and is a PhD student at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Military University of technology in Warsaw (Poland). Finished his BSc studies at Maritime University of Szczecin (Poland) in 2015 and MSc studies at Military University of Technology in Warsaw (2017). He also worked as postgraduate researcher at Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland). As a part of his doctorate he is working on the issue of tactile maps design and automation of their production. He is also interested in novel cartographic presentation methods.
Email: jakubw@uoregon.edu
Wabiński, J., Kuźma, M., Wizualizacja obszarów górskich z zastosowaniem druku 3D [The visualization of a mountain using 3D printing]; Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej; 2017, LXVI(3), DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0010.5390
Wabiński, J., Mościcka, A., Trzeci wymiar na mapie krain geograficznych – koncepcja tyflomapy w druku 3D [The third dimension on the map of geographical areas – the concept of a tactile map in 3D printing]; 2017, XV, 4(79), pp. 391-409, ISSN: 1731-5522
Wabiński, J., Mościcka, A., Automatic (tactile) Map Generation – A Systematic Literature Review; ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information; 2019, 8(7), 293, DOI: 10.3390/ijgi8070293
Mościcka, A., Pokonieczny, K., Wilbik, A., Wabiński, J., Transport Acessibility of Warsaw: A Case Study; Sustainability; Special Issue: Accessibility and Transportation Equity; 2019, 11(19), 5536; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11195536
Wabiński, J., Mościcka, A., Natural Heritage Reconstruction Using Full-Color 3D Printing: A Case Study of the Valley of Five Polish Ponds; Sustainability; 2019, Special Issue: Replicas in Cultural Heritage 11(21), 5907, DOI: 10.3390/su11215907
Wabiński, J., Mościcka, A., Kuźma, M., The Information Value of Tactile Maps: Comparison of Maps Printed with the use of Different Techniques; The Cartographic Journal; 2020, accepted (copy-editing and type-setting)