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Dr. Dongmei Chen

Dongmei earned her Ph.D. in June, 2019. She was advised by Dr. Christopher Bone and Dr. Daniel Gavin. Currently, she is looking for opportunities in environmental research and education, while she is completing her other research projects at the university in Summer 2019.

Her dissertation research on the complex coupled human-natural systems of large-scale forest disturbances focuses on understanding the cross-scale effects of climate change and forest governance on mountain pine beetle outbreaks in North America, using data visualization, geospatial statistics and species distribution modeling. She also worked as a GIS Graduate Teaching Fellow in the Social Science Instructional Labs and a Graduate Research Fellow in the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center. She holds master degrees in Landscape Ecology and Forest Science.




Shen G., Chen D., Wu Y., Liu L. and Liu C., 2019. Spatial patterns and estimates of global forest litterfall. Ecosphere, 10(2), p.e02587.

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  • 2019, Association of American Geographers (AAG), Climatic niche of the mountain pine beetle during its recent range expansion in North America
  • 2018, Ecological Society of America (ESA), A socio-ecological framework for understanding mountain pine beetle outbreaks in North America
  • 2018, AAG, Exploring the effects of climate change on the dynamics of beetle outbreaks based on species distribution modeling
  • 2017, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (APCG), Climate, fire suppression and mountain pine beetle outbreaks: Conceptual models for socio-ecological systems
  • 2017, ESA, Climate space for the mountain pine beetle in North America
  • 2017, Annual University of Oregon Climate Change Research Symposium, Adopting green infrastructure in managing water resources under climate change
  • 2017, AAG, Fire suppression across the West and its relationship with insect outbreaks
  • 2016, APCG, Mapping fire regimes in China using MODIS active fire and burned area data