One question that I have after the readings is what do we think the world would be like if technology, machines or computer graphics did not exist? I began to wonder this after reading how “Electricity had been considered theoretically interesting but of little or no practical value. The potential for widespread and multiple uses of microcomputers by the general public was suggested as late as 1978 at the Second West Coast Computer Faire” (Jones 51). It would be interesting to think how the world would be if electricity had not been discovered.
Rachel, I think you bring up a great question about how life would be if technology, machines and computer graphics did not exist. I often think that technology has taken over our lives in a negative form when you look around and everyone is on their smart phone or taking pictures of almost everything we do now. I think that technology has taken over part of our lifestyle, however I don’t think being in 2014 we would be able to function without it. I challenge you to think about what art would be like if we didn’t discover electricity? We consider art to be so many things now, do you think it would be the same?
I agree with Janie, who commented above, to think about the world without technology but to think about the world without electricity seems a bit far stretched. Electricity is captured energy and energy is an abundant source in the world we live in. Electricity is what has allowed us to become civilized interconnected nations, technology is what is reverting us back to isolated beings.