Unit 01

Check out this link to a blog post from Bulldog Reporter about reaching out to millennials through social media. 

Response: I thought this blog was very informative because since I’m very interested in public relations and social media, it explained to me how millennials tend to trust brands more if they are creating a consistent experience across each of their social media channels. There was a research report conducted that found four useful points in regard to this.

  1. Millennials embrace brands on social media.
  2. Social networks and customizable new feeds dominate content discovery.
  3. Customers want the inside track to freebies.
  4. Growing a customer relationship isn’t always about getting a sale.

Each of these four pieces of information can show a company how to use their brand to correctly communicate with their customers. I think that this is extremely crucial for a company to learn so that they can continue to maintain a positive image of their brand and to upkeep their reputation in whatever industry they are in.

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