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Dr. Ellen Robertson



Phone:  541.346.4648







B.A. in Chemistry (2008)

Kalamazoo College; Kalamazoo, MI


I am currently studying the adsorption of polymethacrylic acid to the carbon tetrachloride/water interface. I have determined the effects of specific polymer isomer, solution pH, and salt composition on polymethacrylic acid interfacial properties. Techniques used include vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy, pendant drop interfacial tension method, and the Wilhelmy plate interfacial tension method.


Metal Ions: Driving the Orderly Assembly of Polyelectrolytes at a Hydrophobic Surface.” D.K. Beaman, E. J. Robertson, and G. L. Richmond, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 2104.


“Ordered Polyelectrolyte Assembly at the Oil-Water Interface.” D. K. Beaman, E. J. Robertson, and G. L. Richmond, PNAS, 2012, 109, 3226.


“Temperature Dependence of Pressure Broadening and Shifts of Acetylene at 1550 nm by N2.” N.T. Campbell et al., Molecular Physics, 2011, 109, 2199.


“Unique Assembly of Charge Polymer at the Oil-Water Interface.” D. K. Beaman, E. J. Robertson, and G. L. Richmond, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 2104.


“From Head to Tail: Structure, Solvation, and Hydrogen Bonding of Carboxylate Surfactants at the Organic-Water Interface.” D. K. Beaman, E. J. Robertson, and G. L. Richmond, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 12508.



“Polycarboxylic Acid Adsorption at the Organic-Water Interface: A Model for Understanding Humic Acid Systems.” E. J. Robertson, D. K. Beaman, and G. L. Richmond. ACS National Meeting in Anaheim, CA. March 31, 2011.

“Polyelectrolyte Adsorption to an Oil-Water Interface: Applications in Environmental Remediation.” E. J. Robertson. Third Annual Graduate Research Forum: Why Research Matters, University of Oregon. February 10, 2012


“Effect of metal complexation on the adsorption behavior of model humic acid polymers at an oil-water interface.” E. Robertson and G. Richmond. ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. August 22, 2012.


“Falling in line for water remediation: Unique assembly of polycarboxylic acids at the oil-water interface.” E. Robertson and G. Richmond. ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. August 22, 2012.