The Cult of Isis

The cult of Isis has a large complex history spanning thousands of years continuing at least until the early 1st century and maybe after. Isis gained support due to the large trading network created by Alexander and the Roman Empire allowing for Egyptian merchants to spread their beliefs. Isis was a powerful deity and certainty had the resume to back it up. Interestingly though because the gods she is most commonly associated with are not very similar. It seems as if as Isis spread changing names throughout the ancient world her cults and beliefs we’re divided up into many different names like Demeter, Gaia, Hera, or any number. Leading up to the Common Era Isis cults claimed her to be a mother like goddess where she would be the “daughter of Kronos” and “mother of Horus” who is associated with Apollo (Isis Aretalogy). This shows how integratable, flexible, and malleable the Greek religion was and how many of these cultures had very similar religious beliefs. Because not only was Isis worshipped so was many other Asia Minor deities such as Hadad, Ba’al, and even Judaism had places of worship in some places.

Isis is interesting because the two examples of praise for Isis are a little different because one is for a specific reason and the other seems to be a more broad statement as if to say in front of an assembly. The hymn there is a straight forward to provide a sailor or merchant safe passage over waters. It is interesting though because in the praising not only is Isis associated with Greek deities but also Syrian, Lycian, and Assyrian ones. I think that aspect speaks most to the similarity and reaching influence of Greek and Roman identity. The aretalogy is a different story because it is integrated by Greek and Egyptian mythos but speaks to the resume of Isis. One thing that comes through is the powerful identity associated with her and her ever-reaching kingdom even being called the “mightiest” of gods in the hymn. Isis can influence many different things and she is normally given praise in the name of other deities it seems and being called “many named” in the hymn is reasoning to believe this. Isis can be in charge of justice, the moon, sun, underworld, the cosmos, and many more. I’m not sure what it means but it would seem that Isis’ influence must have been very powerful in cultic circles if they truly thought of her as mother of Apollo and things like that.

I can see how Isis was a powerful rival with Jesus just because both have much to offer but it is almost a polytheistic attempt of matching monotheism. Isis could provide all the things Jesus could theoretically but she represented a polytheistic worldview. Jesus really changed the religious system of the Asia Minor and Mediterranean into monotheism creating a negative view of polytheistic rituals. Isis provided a way for polytheism to still preform cultic rituals.

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