Team 2, Question 1


Because North America was built many European countries, their politic atmosphere had religious ideology. After World War 2, North America was pulled out from Great Depression. It gave different religious sense that God covered them. Also, one of the goals of the government was rebuilding Europe in the North America. Appearance of Soviet Union which was considered evil communist made them thought that Christianity is the answer for safety. Therefore, “Mainline” Protestantism dominated the American religious lifestyle. The government encouraged people to go to church (Jacobsen, 201). Actually, churches were helpful to take care of local areas. Post-Christianity made people’ soul awake so that they could respect each individual life than just maintaining religious format. For example, in the 1960s, When Martin Luther King Jr. promoted civil rights against racism, it helped to spread Christianity because Christianity made people realize what is wrong or not.


The religious ideology of freedom came up with in North America because they had to embrace diverse ethnicities and cultures in the same continent. Jacobsen defines this freedom in three section. The first is the idea of “soul liberty,” the right of individuals, or more strongly the responsibility of individuals, to decide for themselves what to believe and how to live. Second, synchronizing their life on God’s perspective. Third, making North American nation as a “beloved community” (213). These characteristics contributed to defending the light of individuals and groups to engage in energetic, forceful religious persuasion, they believe that some forms of proselytizing can be coercive (216). I think the Christianity in North America made people actively engage their lives to religion.


If I have to create a “super Christianity”, then I won’t go farther than evangelism because gospel is the core of Christianity. All of chapters in the bible is saying Jesus Christ. I will pour my effort to teach why we have to repent from our sin and re-build relationship between me and God. However, for the practices, I would like to apply Ubuntu and Liberation Theory. Both of them are for the weak and poor people. Christianity should exist for them. Because the Christianity from western culture is focusing on individualism, it is hard to take care about community as my family. I would like to emphasize community bond for establishing God’s will. On contrast, I would like to reject spiritualism because depending only experience could be dangerous because it makes distort God’s true words.

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