Tag Archives: papal monarchy

Gazzigli: Team 2, Question 1

Published on: Author: kgazzigl

Pope Boniface VIII stepped into his role as pope following Celestine V stepping down from his unsuitable role as the pope. Many rumors claimed that Boniface may have played an immediate role in ushering Celestine to stepped down. Boniface quickly came into conflict with King Philip IV regarding issues of secular versus ecclesiastical authority. This… Continue reading

Parrino, question1

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When Boniface became pope it was directly after Celestine V resigned because he realized that he unsuitable for the position. It is not confirmed, but there were rumors that Boniface may have played apart in him stepping down. Boniface was not received warmly into his position. The noble Gaetani family was very unhappy with Boniface… Continue reading

Team 5: Question 2 The Gospel According to the Marks of Silver and the Fourth Lateran Council [chs. 62-66]

Published on: Author: greed

The Gospel According to the Marks of Silver is a satire of things taught in the church at the time it is written. It takes passage from the new New Testament and by tweaking the words around gives a description of what the author believes that the church is like. In the text, a poor… Continue reading

Team 2, Question 1

Published on: Author: chill8

The letter from Innocent III to King John, which opens with a nice compliment to John, restates the pledge given by John and his court to give an annual tribute of 1,000 marks per year to the roman church, and then ends with Innocents statement of acceptance of the pledge (and basically apology) from John.… Continue reading

Team 1, Whan: Innocent III, Letters, and King John.

Published on: Author: jwhan@uoregon.edu

Innocent III, Letters, and King John. Madigan’s chapter details the papacy’s consolidation of power during the reign of Innocent III and the growth of church bureaucracy (289-295). Briefly summarize the accomplishments of Innocent, the papacy’s “instruments of power,” and the effects that these developments had on Christianity. Thereafter, consider the letters of Innocent and John’s… Continue reading

Team 4: Question 2-Papal Corruption and Resentment

Published on: Author: bmcbee@uoregon.edu Leave a comment

Ben McBee 02-10-16 a. The Gospel According to the Marks of Silver is quite a remarkable document for its time. The fact that someone was so distraught and frustrated with the leader of the entire Christian world, and was brave enough to write against the pope, is evidence that the condition of Christendom was indeed… Continue reading