Posts by chill8

Team 7, question 3

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In the second paragraph, Luther discounts all claims that he has ever publicly insulted pope Leo X, he vows that he has not either verbally or in writing, and concedes that he has called him a “Daniel in Babylon” (which would mean-in plain speak-I think you’re a good guy, but I also think you’re letting… Continue reading

Team 2, Question 1

Published on: Author: chill8

The letter from Innocent III to King John, which opens with a nice compliment to John, restates the pledge given by John and his court to give an annual tribute of 1,000 marks per year to the roman church, and then ends with Innocents statement of acceptance of the pledge (and basically apology) from John.… Continue reading

Team 2, Question 1

Published on: Author: chill8

In the year 494, Gelasius I wrote the famous letter to emperor Anastasius I, in which he outlined the separation of church and state. “Two they are, august emperor, by which this world is chiefly ruled, the sacred authority of the priesthood and the royal power.” The fact that the letter was written is notable… Continue reading