The church tried to assert that the Holy Trinity consisted of three separate but equal parts of God. Arius however disagreed with this theory claiming that God was the almighty Father and therefore would be superior to the other two points of the trinity. Since God was almighty and superior he has no equal in the church and should be revered at the highest level by followers. Arius did not think that this discredited Jesus or made him someone who should not be favorably looked upon by Christians. Arius went as far as to say that Jesus should be equal to his creator.
These thoughts that Arius had would create a controversy that would continue for quite some time in the church. Bishop Alexander had some really harsh criticisms to the ideas about the trinity that Arius had, enough to the point he thought it right to ban Arius and his followers. Bishop Alexander then wrote a document that reiterated the fact that the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son are three separate parts of one being. Bishop Alexander also claims that Arius and his followers downplay the importance of Jesus by turning him into a human. He also claims that Arius is using specific verses as a sort of propaganda to get his point across.
Bishop Alexander also believes that Arius is incorrect in suggesting that we can become sons of God like Jesus was. Alexander claims that Jesus was both divine and human, which is something that a follower of Jesus cannot achieve. Bishop Alexander believes that because Jesus is an image of the Father then he must be divine and holy. I think Alexander decides to take the route of slandering his opponents and their viewpoint rather than using firm facts in the scriptures to defend his position.