RoJ: 4/7, Team 3, Question 2

Right from the beginning of Proverbs we can see that God has a significant relationship with Sophia. They are connected and wisdom is what comes from reverence and fear of the LORD (Prov 1:7). This fear will bring understanding and wisdom that is described in verses 2-6. In chapter * of Proverbs we get to have the personified wisdom speak directly to us. She speaks about how her knowledge and offering is more valuable than things here on earth like silver, gold, and jewels (8:10-11, 19). She is what is right and what is moral; she is the opposite of evil (8:13, 20). With her, kings can rule justly and govern rightly (8:15-16). Lastly we see that Sophia was created very early. She was there before the earth was constructed and was like his child and his daily delight (8:22-31). Sophia closes out the chapter by saying those who find her, find life and favor from the LORD (8:35). Sirach mostly reiterates the monologue in Proverbs 8, but of course in a more Greek style of writing. Sophia again comes from God (Sir 24:3), was created before the rest of creation (24:8), and invites us to learn (24:19).

The relationship between Wisdom and humankind seems to mirror the one with humankind and God, or at least from where I see it. Just like God, Wisdom is meant to dwell with humans and have good relationship with them while she blesses them. But not all look for wisdom and turn away from it and sow their own destruction (1 Enoch 42:1-2), (Wis 1:4-5, 2:21-24). This seems to resemble the Genesis story of the intent to dwell with humans, but humans not letting it be so. Now those who look for Wisdom find her and are blessed by her because of her value (Sir 24:19-22), (1 Enoch 42:3), (Wis 5:15-16). These writings imply that virtue and righteousness is the result of wisdom. Those who are pious are only a result for their desire for wisdom. This is very Greek. Wisdom and the search for it is what is typically deemed as pious, which is often displayed most popularly by Socrates.

Sophia cannot be with those who are unrighteous and instead dwell with those who fear God and search for her (Wis 1:4-5). The Wisdom of Solomon seems to push the idea that wisdom is leads you to righteousness without it you will continue towards sin, death, and your self-made demise, but in fear of the LORD and in turn wisdom, you can move towards righteousness by the influence of the spirit of Wisdom.

1 Thought.

  1. Wisdom whizdum whizzdumb wistumn. So, for a fee, huh? Yup. Any of you actually believe any of this utter bullshit/drivel/monstrosity-of-ridiculility? 🙂

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